Thursday, February 4, 2016

In the past month, my emotions have run to extremes! It's a wonderment that I haven't exploded ... no words describe the intensity!

January 11, 2016 I wrote the following tribute to my love:

Last night, the love of my life for 39 years went home.

The medical community was told by her she wanted no heroics. The regimen prescribed would have been another course of torture that neither she or I wanted.

If all had gone well it might have purchased a year or two of being on this Earth. But at what price? Jill knew the price. She was now paying for an extended life from 34 years ago ... from radiation treatments that said the bill was due.

We had 39 years! We were aware when we married that obstacles lie ahead. In our youth we thought we would always win. Youth ... love the determination which it inspires. We grabbed hold of it and ran.

Loved my life with you Jill !!!!

I've never met a stronger person!

Cancer survivor x 3. Bone marrows handled with no anesthesia ... white knuckled it (lidocaine wouldn't work with her system). Chemotherapy that was in the Pliestocene era ... MOPP... the first ingredient was mustard gas (of concentration camp fame); followed by full body radiation 4800 RADS front and back. After a colonoscopy ... a systemic E-coli infection that shut down her only kidney, resulted in 7 weeks of dialysis ... when miraculously the kidney sprung to life. Heparin -induced thrombocytopenia derived from having done research on the original Lovenox in the 1970's. So many surgeries I can't even count. I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot!

She made that sacrifice to live with me. Is there a higher honor?

I think not!

I will cherish her always! Ever since I would drive into town and she would be waiting on the front steps of her apartment for me to arrive. No one ever did that before. I'm the one who won a prize ... not her.

There was not a selfish bone in her body, whereas I have several of those I'm ashamed to admit. She would give anyone in need what they needed, with no expectations! That people ... is rare!!

The very first time she had a NDE (near death experience) was when we were first married. I was in an adjoining ER room and they were coding her. She told me afterwards she didn't feel a thing while watching the medical team's efforts on her detached body. She totally described the event in detail, including what I was doing in that makeshift waiting room.

When I got back to the hospital last night, she was not in her body. She was about 4 feet above and to the left of her bed. I watched that space knowing where she was and said, " If you've had enough, you are in control. I will be all right. You have members of your soul group waiting for your arrival who are going to be excited to see you. You do not have to endure any more of this Earthly life. You have earned rejoining our friends ("light beings" to some).

We had moved to the ICU room where the medical team was going to try an intubation that Jill had consented to at the last moment of conscientiousness. I watched the EKG and her heart rate space further and further apart ... finally to straight line. Jill was still up to the left of the bed about 4 feet above us. I looked in her direction. "OK" , I said "I'll be all right ... you are free. Go to the Light!" She was gone. I felt her leave. She needed me to say "I'll be all right". I turned to the medical team and said, "Call it!" They heeded my wishes and were more than professional ... extremely caring !!

Jill you were a gift I'll never forget! Someone who I didn't deserve, but chose me anyway!

I'll always love you, and will see you again!

Enjoy your freedom ... you have earned so much more!!!

Love ya,

The outpouring of love from friends all over the world, humbles this old man to the core. I do not know what to say but "Thank you" ... and that comes from the soul!

My wife's journey continues anew !


My Earthly journey astounds me every minute ... the following sums up a wondrous time from the past merging seamlessly with the present and future...

In a land far away there lived a Dogon.

Not an ordinary Dogon by any means. A Dogon who took a naive "tubabu" from America and immersed him totally within his personal family! That was 1972 in Bamako, Mali, West Africa.

The story, however,  started much much earlier . 

As a young boy I would inhabit the internet of the day. It was called a "Library". There I traveled to far away worlds in the blink of an eye, but I was always drawn to Africa. The Dogon tribe grabbed my attention.

They lived at the base of the Cliffs of Bandiagara, a 120 km escarpment in the eastern plains of Mali. Houses were made of adobe, and the yards were laced with square granaries with thatched roofs.  

Often I could see myself hiking through such a village, imagining what it would be like.

Fast forward to 1972. 

After graduating from college with a degree in Agriculture from The Ohio State University I was planning on going into the Peace Corps. In the seventh grade, reading the "Weekly Reader" in geography class, I saw where President Kennedy started , "The Peace Corps". My thoughts were pure romance, as I imagined myself being one of the lucky people chosen to go!

At OSU I was in their intern program (with Peace Corps) to go to India. Enter the India/Pakistani War. The USA backed Pakistan, and all Peace Corps were removed from India. 

OSU picked up Tunisa as an intern program. It was Africa, but not black africa. It was especially not Dogon territory.

I've always been fairly successful, it seems, of creating my own reality. 

I threw my application into the general Peace Corps pool. Most people only had one offer. How lucky was I to have two. Especially when I got my invitation shortly thereafter to Mali ... where the Dogons live!!! Receiving an offer to the very country I wanted to visit as a child was truly mindblowing!

Training "in-country" had just come into being and in July of 1972 I found myself in Bamako, Mali!

After several weeks of training, we dispersed to our areas of work ... all over Mali. I was to remain in Bamako working out of the Centre d'Avicole in Sotuba at a hatchery built by USAID.

My Malien Counterpart was a 55 year old man, Hassane Togo, who everyone just called "Togo".

                      Togo with ginger beer (non-alcoholic with a bite)

Togo, it turns out ... was a "Dogon"!

As extension agents, Togo and I would go out and visit poultry farms all around the Bamako area in a radius of about 100 km. As a friend Togo and I quickly "bonded" as they say now. I was accepted into The Familiae "Togo" like I was a full member. For 2 and 1/2 years I was blessed to immerse into their personal envir‏onment. To enjoy the company of a family that exuded such warmth, perseverence, and knowledge of Life ... they taught me (it wasn't the other way around).

A typical day would have Togo and three of his boys, Ali (almost always went with us), Adama and Alou, accompany us on our poultry farm visits. The boys would catch chickens so Togo and I could vaccinate them. When I started in 1972 we had 42 poultry farms. When I left at the end of 1974 we had 172. We were busy.

In the summer of 1973 three soft ice cream machines appeared in front of 3 restaurants in downtown Bamako. Togo's children had never known ice cream. I would pile as many of the young ones into my Trois Chavaux (basically a tin can on wheels), and we'd head for an ice cream machine. Watching these kids experience ice cream for the first time was a huge joy! Togo however was not so joyful. He'd say, "M. Bob" I wish you wouldn't do that." I said, "Togo, I'm paying for it! Don't worry." "But I am worried," he'd say,"eventually you will be going back to America!" He had a point, but it did not stop me!

As my turn of service was coming to a close at the end of 1974, the monsoon rains continued heavy for three days. Togo told me it was going to be bad news for the adobe houses. Sure enough, instead of going to poultry farms that next morning we went to Togo's brother's compound. The rains had demolished everything they owned. Togo had 12 children. Togo's brother had 12 children. I moved in with an Englishman friend, and took all my furniture and house supplies to Togo's house. Togo moved all the children to his house ... a three room cement block house with a tin roof in Sotuba. Twenty four children would be housed there until his brother's compound could be rebuilt. The family bond was unbelieveable.

Soon my time in Mali was up and I went to England for a couple of months, then back to the USA. In 1977 I met Jill and we married. I wrote to Togo occasionally, and he'd write back. In 1988 I sent him a long letter with pictures of me and Jill. He replied, but it was the last I ever heard from him. I asked a great Peace Corps friend Bill Schweighofer how often he would think of Mali? He replied, "About once a day". Here we both were 11 years removed from Mali, West Africa, and it was still on our minds! Daily!

Jill and I spent the 39 years of marriage in and out of the hospital, but it wasn't always tough times. An RV helped us get out and visit much of the American West. And we made 20+ trips to Yellowstone ... our favorite place. Jill was my animal spotter for my photography efforts. I often wondered what had happened to Togo and my family in the Sahel. Jill couldn't survive a trip to Africa, and I couldn't leave her for such a venture.

Spring forward to January 2014!

I came home from work and the answering machine was blinking. The message said, "My name is Nolan Love. I am a returned PC volunteer from Guinea (it neighbors Mali) stationed there in 1996. If you are the Robert H Dunn from Bamako, Mali in 1972, I have someone who has been searching for you for 20 years. If that person is you, and you are interested, call me and I'll make connections!". Of course I immediately called Nolan. What a tremendous individual!!!

Nolan was visting friends in NYC and walked into a comedy club. An attendant there had a West African accent. Nolan immediately went over and started talking French. When the West African asked, "How is it you speak French?" Nolan said he was in the Peace Corps in Guinea in 1996. With hearing the
words "Peace Corps", the West African said, "Do you know M. Bob Dunn?" Nolan said that he did not. The West African showed him pictures I had sent to his father "Togo" in 1988.

"I've been looking for him for 20 years!"said the West African. Nolan said, "If you've been looking for him for 20 years ... I'll help you find him!" What a chance meeting! Or was it ... definitely it was meant to be!

The next morning I called Ali (who was 11 years old the last time I saw him 40 years ago). He was hysterical, "I've found M. Bob!" He'd repeat over and over. He had me talk with all his family, and I heard him call his mother Madame Togo who was still alive in Mali on his cellphone telling her "I've found M. Bob"!  Ali Togo had come to NYC in 1994. He married a West African woman from the Ivory Coast he had met in NYC and they have 5 children. We talked about getting together. It seemed like we could do this soon.

However two years passed and Ali and his family never met "Aunt Jill". 

Monday February 1st I picked up Ali and his wife at the airport. We reconnected after 42 years ... that's 42 years folks!...  not a misprint! We spent 3 great days together and that's not the end of the story.

Three years ago I found Greg Polk. Greg and I were both in Mali in 1973 together. In fact we both were medivac'd to Germany to a US Army hospital for treatment. We spent two months in Germany, then back to Mali. Greg it turns out was living in Corrales, NM only about 8 miles from me for the past 5 years. Often however he was overseas. Ironically his wife, a USAID official, was stationed in Mali in 2012, and Greg was with her for about a year and a half until the latest coup de taut sent all Americans home. His wife then took a post in Cambodia. Greg and I would meet and have lunch and talk about old times when he was home in Corrales. 

In 2015, Greg went back to Mali for 5 months with PC again. I txt'd him that when he'd go to Bamako, if he'd look up Madame Togo who was still alive (85 years of age). He contacted the Family Togo and they all met one day in early 2015. Apparently they laughed a lot about the exploits of Togo and M. Bob!  It was great Greg was able to be my emissary to Madame Togo as she passed later in the year.

Greg came back to Corrales, New Mexico a week ago after spending 5 months in India retracing Gandhi's Salt March. Tuesday Feb 02,2016 Greg joined Ali & his wife and I in my kitchen to continue the reunion. Ali would call family members in Mali on speaker phone and we'd rehash old times. Nolan Love joined in by phone too. 

Often several languages made this possible ...English, French and Bambara.

I took Ali and his wife back to the Airport in the afternoon on Wednesday 02/03/2016. 

I told Ali your gift to me was coming to see me so soon after Aunt Jill passed and I am so honored. My gift to you is, "I'm giving you your plane tickets!" Ali was speechless. His wife said, "No, Bob!" I said, "You both did this for me. You both work hard jobs and have 5 children...and you live in NYC. I have no children ... this makes perfect sense." Tears were running from both of our eyes. We both were so happy this reunion took place!

My life again is a gem ... first knowing Jill and

In a land far away there lived a Dogon!



Monday, July 8, 2013

Life Between Lives – Malibob’s 04/17/3013 session with Madonna Kettler PhD.


The point of having a PLR in Michael Newton’s methodology is to see if you can get deep enough to continue with a LBL (Life Between Lives) which is even deeper (hard to imagine)!

Today is what I am really looking forward to experiencing! Ever since reading Michael Newton’s four books, I knew I had to try this. Before yesterday I had never in this life been formally hypnotized. Yesterday was so enlightening I was really excited to get started!

In this transcript it will be the same as follows:

M = Madonna

B = Bob (malibob)

And comments as I go along will be italicized. Some will be what I was thinking during the experience, and/or what I thought about it afterwards. I’ll try to differentiate.

To recap, Newton found that in 7000+ case histories they all referred to having a “life between lives” … going to the spirit world to relax, regroup and plan “what and when” the next life experience was to be. Newton mapped out the spirit world based on what he received from these case histories.

In a nutshell, we (spirits/souls) are created by The Source. As spirits we enter life experiences on Earth (primarily) or other worlds to learn and gain enrichment. As we progress we move on to higher states, with the ultimate goal of rejoining The Source. Newton was quick to point out that all his research was from “those who are still reincarnating”, hence spirits still immature in the process. So his view of the spirit world is limited. However limited it might be, it caused me to have much excitement as this was what I’ve thought about since I’ve been a child. To find it confirmed by a PhD with 7000+ case histories blew me away!!!

With that said…here goes…


I met Madonna again the next day. She proceeded to take me even deeper this time. I didn’t think that was possible!

The initial induction took 20 minutes this time ending with me descending a steep stairway:

M: Step off the stairway to find yourself gently floating in front of where you lived at age 12. Describe what it looks like … now.

B: A little bungalow (now in West Virginia … we moved there when I was in the 5th grade) … it’s gotta front porch with bricks. A brick- like fence around it.

M: Is it day or night?

B: It’s day.

M: What are you wearing?

B: Checkered flannel shirt and blue jeans … and an argyle sweater.

M: And how are you feeling with this memory?

B: Pretty much a happy time.

M: Ok. I’d like you to go into the house and go to your favorite room at age 12.

B: My room was not particularly a favorite, it was just so small I think my favorite was probably to the left. (For) Most people it would have been a dining room, but my mother had a baby grand piano, and it was in that room. I had to stop taking lessons from my Aunt who was in Ohio, but I still played it once in a while.

M: What was the color of the walls in this room?

B: I’m getting brown. It was a rental with an ugly brown wallpaper with some green and I want to say pink stripes … it was weird.

M: Is there anything on the wall you remember? Any fixtures or pictures …anything that you remember now…

B: Ah, I remember the kitchen. The kitchen was in back of that. There was definitely a 1950’s floor to it. Linoleum … like a standard pattern. The sink was off to the left. Had a back door out of the kitchen to a small backyard that was part of the driveway. That’s where my dog was. Had a house back there. Was a stray that I found. The dog hated to be inside … liked to be outside.

M: Anything else you remember about this period that you would like to bring forward?

B: I had reservations about moving to West Virginia, but it turned out it was really good!

(My reservations could possibly have surfaced later in a PLR that came up!)

Had a lot of friends. It was a good safe environment.

M: Very good. Okay, I’d like you to now float back to the staircase … stairway …float down to age 11 … 10 … 9 … float off the staircase again now …  and floating to a memory of the house, the place where you lived when you were 8 years old. How did the house appear?

B: It’s a two story, old … it may be Victorian, but wasn’t quite elaborate though … but was of that age. And ah … it set back off the road … in fact we moved it off the road. It was a … they brought these big trucks and the put it on piles of wood …it was much closer to the road initially, then they raised it up, and moved it back and built a basement under it. It was a great time as a kid, because the big piles of dirt behind the house that came from the basement … and we played on those and played on that so hard … cowboys and Indians and The Lone Ranger. Forts … we made forts out of the piles of dirt. Mother wasn’t so happy we got so dirty all the time. (laughs) Had a lot of fun!

M: There you go. Who were some of your friends at this time? What kind of games … you played forts , Lone Ranger … what else?

B: My sister and I played a lot. Then there was TS … he lived down the road. About 1 – 2 – 3 (counting to myself) 4 houses down the road. He was a good friend. Had a small farm. We used to go out and … (laughs) we were in the second grade … (his) parents weren’t home … we’d go get his 22 and we’d shoot tin cans in the back yard. Second graders! I can’t imagine having a kid today doing that! But we did! We played a lot up in the woods in the back too. And my cousin lived across the street too, P. She was a sweetie! And several of the neighborhood kids … we played baseball … they had a great big couple of acres that they mowed … great baseball field for the kids!

M: Ok very good … now you can float back to the staircase or stairway … move down to age 7 … 6 … 5 now I’d like you to step off the stairway and go to your earliest memory as a child.

B: Earliest memory as a child is probably two or three. I lived in a cottage right across the driveway from the house we last talked about. My Grandma’s house was straight across … and behind it was a … let’s see a 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 room cottage. We even had a … one of the early TV’s. It was an old Philco TV. The TV was small. The box was big.  My parents used to let me stay up and watch it. They’d go to bed early and I’d stay up and turn it off afterwards. TV was over quick back then. It didn’t go all hours like now.

M: What are you wearing at age 2 or 3?

B: I had a diaper for one thing. A diaper and some sort of baby thing … flannel. Flannel was big in my early life … still is (laughs) … and uh, I think they called them Dr. Dentons. They were like a jumpsuit. Had yellow ones … they had feet in them. I can remember Mom being in the kitchen a lot. And I remember my Dad had his tonsils out in his early twenties and it was really rough on him. He was in bed for a while … a week or so.  I remember one winter it was so … I think it was 1950 so yeah I would have been 2 and ½! There’s a huge snow, and our dog Cricket, a black  ball of fur, walked out of the house onto the porch and disappeared! The snow was even with the top of the porch. (laughs) The dog just went into the snow. We had to help it out.

M: OK. So now I’d like you to move from that scene, right into your mother’s womb. Go there now … deep into it. Feel the protection of this dark warm environment where the sound of your mother’s voice is heard as a vibration through the fluid environment where your body, your tiny body, is suspended. Feel be in this experience … tell me what month did you first join the fetus?

B: Three comes up! (Now this is unexpected as in Newton’s studies, the average was 4 months. The fetal brain had to have enough development for the soul/spirit to integrate.)

M: Very good. Did you stay in the fetus that whole time or did you go in and out some times? (During the developmental period, Newton found that the spirit/soul often leaves the fetus at times to visit a soul group member, or to travel to other worlds, etc. … apparently it can be boring waiting for the birth to occur once the integration has already taken place).

B: Oh no … I went in and out a lot!

M: Okay. What was your initial impression of the brain you now occupy?

B: I think (laughing) that is why I went out a lot … getting in there at 3 (months). It was … okay … I don’t know … it was a little early.

M: Pardon?

B: Like I got there a little early!

M: Okay …is there anything distinctive about this brain?

B: I think it’ll be adequate!

M: Okay … are you aware of … what are you aware of in the womb? What are you feeling or hearing?

B: Not hearing too much … it’s just that it’s warm, it’s dark.

M: Are you aware of your mother’s thoughts or how she is feeling?

B: I think she’s … a little anxious … she was sick a lot with pregnancy … I don’t think pregnancy agrees with her too much.

M: Ok … what were all … was this a good soul integration for this body … was this body what you wanted … that you chose?

B: I think so.

M: Ok. Was there anything else from the womb that may help you? Be very aware.

B: No I don’t think so.

M: Ok. Very good. Now we’re going to work on now is just going into the tunnel to your own past … your most recent past life. What I’d like you to do is create a vivid mental impression of a tunnel. And I will soon begin to count backwards from 10 to 1 as you go deeper, and you will see yourself and feel yourself moving to your tunnel into your own past … your most recent past life.

On the count of one you will see yourself and feel yourself on this significant day on your most recent physical incarnation. You can gently nod your head when you are ready to step into the tunnel.

(nods head)

Letting go and beginning to move backward in time stepping into the tunnel.

10”. Moving backward now … feel yourself moving through the tunnel to your own past. And way down at the end of the tunnel you see a light …

9” You’re moving in towards that light … and on the count of “1” you’ll be there.

8” Moving back in time … this beautiful tunnel with many doors and windows, and on the count of (1) you’ll move out of this tunnel and in to the light, and you will see yourself on a significant day in a significant event of your most recent past life.

7” You’re moving backward now just allowing it to happen. Feel it happening moving backwards … picking up a little speed now … moving toward the light … at … the end of the tunnel.

6” Feeling with the sensation of speed now as you rapidly move backward in time.

5” The tunnel is getting lighter and brighter as you are moving closer and closer and closer to the light … at the end … of the tunnel.

4” Closer to seeing yourself feeling yourself on a significant day and a significant event in your most recent past life.

3” You’re getting close now,  very close … you’re almost there. Just allow this to happen, feel this happening, trust this process.

2” On the next count you will see, feel and sense yourself on a significant day in a significant event of your most recent past life … and

1” You’ve now entered a significant time or event in your immediate past life, your most recent past life. I’m going to ask you some questions and I’d like you to respond with the very first thing that comes to you. Whether you see it, feel it, or just know it… when respond with that inner voice just trust that the very first thing that comes from you is appropriate and right.

Is it day or night?

B: Day.

M: Hot or cold out?

B: It’s sort of cold.

M: Are you outside or inside?

B: Outside.

M: Are you male or female?

B: Male.

M: Is it a country or a town or … what’s the landscape?

B: On a mountain side … I want to say West Virginia!

(After reviewing my PLR I found this was interesting … with all of Madonna’s direction to go to my most recent past life, the qualifier ‘to the most significant day in a significant event’ took precedence. My most recent past life was the young brash Army kid from Iowa who died in a car accident … but it wasn’t particularly significant. What presented was a more significant life that happened to precede my most recent past life by one. Totally surprised me and makes complete sense. Now did this present because I’d already dealt with the most previous past life yesterday, or because it was a “more significant life”? And you will also find as stated earlier why I had apprehensions to moving back to West Virginia as a child! Again all this blows me away!)

M: Ok. Very good. Are you alone or with others?

B: Right now I’m alone.

M: What are you wearing?

B: (apparently not finished) I’m walking down a street that borders a hillside … there’s a reddish wall of a house that has a fake red brick that’s made out of asphalt as the covering. Yeah, it’s a typical sort of West Virginia small town.

M: What are you wearing?

B: Brown coat. Brown pants. Sort of canvas-y or something like it, and waterproof boots.

M: What are you doing in this experience of remembering this memory?

B: Why I’m a coal miner!

M: Are you a small, medium or large person?

B: Probably medium.

M: By what name are you called?

B: Tom.

M: Last name?

B: Ah last name…

M: First thought …

B: Elkins came up!

M: Ok. Very good. How old are you in this memory?

B: I’m 40.

(This was interesting … I looked at my sound editor that I’m using to transcribe this and I’m right at 40 minutes into this session!)

M: Are you married or single?

B: I think I’m married. Yeah, I’m married.

M: Do you have any children?

B: Three. Two boys and a girl.

M: So just kinda  go through whatever this significant event or significant time in your life … to share about whatever  you’re getting about what you are doing.

B: (long pause) I want to say I think I died in a coal mining accident!

M: At what age?

B: 57.

M: Are you in that experience now where your spirit is leaving your body?

B: Not yet, but I can be.

M: You don’t need to … let’s find out a little bit more about this life if you will. Let’s go to another experience from that life. It’ll help you to understand it and your current life more clearly … 1 … 2 … 3!

What are you aware of?

B: I had to buy our groceries at the company store. (laughs) I’m getting the impression that this is why I’m not fond of authority and big companies. I felt owned … lock, stock and barrel ! Our groceries I’d buy on credit at the store and your pay check is gone before you even get it!

M: I’m going to count one to three and when I say three you will be in an experience with perhaps your wife and children to see if you can recognize them or see who they are … one … two … 3!

B: We’re in a house and I think we’re … yeah, we’re celebratin’ Christmas. There’s not much in the way of gifts, but we make the best of it.

M: What year is it? See if there is a calendar or anything in the house.

B: There’s a calendar with 1918 on it.

M: Ok. Very good. While you are celebrating Christmas you can look into the eyes of the family your with in that life time and justshare if you recognize them or anything else about this memory.

B: Oh, she has brown hair. Wearing sort of a black dress, plain and simple. I can’t make out much with the kids. But I don’t recognize anybody (that is in my current life from this memory).

M: How do you feel about in this life or memory that you could gather that may  be helpful to you in your current life?

B: The biggest thing that sticks out is I hate large companies!!

M: Is there anything else from this scene?

B: I know I just hated going down in the mine!

M: Was that the only job you could have at that time?

B: Yeah… I didn’t know anything else.

M: I’m going to count to 3 and when I do you’ll be at that time in your life when you died … and you know as you’ve done this before, where you won’t re-experience it but just observe and see what happened! One … two … three! What are you aware of?

B: Ugh … there’s a lot of dust and the shaft had a weak … weak timber, and it gave way! I think we were tryin’ to move a cart along the rail. I’m trapped down here with 4 or 5 others. We didn’t last too long. I think if freed a natural gas vein.

M: And what year was this?

B: 1930?

M: You can find out more about that. The time that it happened, was it winter, summer, spring or fall?

B: It was Spring!

M: Do you know the name of the town that you lived in?

B: It sounds like “Red Chimney” or something like that.

M: Your spirit is leaving your body and to share whatever happens next! (long pause) Did you go to anyone to comfort anyone?

B: I’m just hovering over the mine shaft.

M: What do you think about the life you just lived?

B: It was pretty Spartan … we didn’t have much! We didn’t always have enough food!

M: Ok. Since you’ve done this many times before, I want you to move away from your body and there will be no physical pain or discomfort … you’ll be able to continue to talk to me an answer my questions. You are now more in touch with your inner self … your Divine self. Feel your mind expanding into the highest levels of your being. Looking down at your body in the mind shaft you may perceive some brief sadness, but your spirit has been through this before. So now you are able to return home. You can float away when you are ready leaving all physical pain and discomfort behind … and just share wherever you are now in relationship to your body to that mine.

B: I just keep rising up higher. It’s like the shaft is gettin’ smaller.

M: You’re now fully in a soul state, directly connected to the highest consciousness of your mind, just like a vast computer holding all historic knowledge … all the historic knowledge of your entire existence. As an eternal timeless being you’ll remember in incredible detail about your mortal life between lives, and thus, you’ll be able to respond to my questions to your life as a soul quite easily. You will speak clearly, and you’ll remember this experience completely. We are now going to a place of expanded awareness as you move upwards into the loving realms of an all knowing spiritual power. And even though you’re only at the gateway to this beautiful realm … this beautiful realm of an all knowing power your soul can feel the joy in this beautiful realm … the joy of being released. Everything is very familiar to you as we progress further because this peaceful place … this realm, this spiritual realm, embodies an all knowing, all loving acceptance.

You are away from your body now. Soon you’ll receive divine help in releasing any negative energy from that physical life or “any” physical lives. You’ll be entering your eternal home where we can talk about your mortal life and all the lives you’ve lived before with objectivity, and understanding,  because this is a spiritual realm of peace and harmony.

Now, as you are continuing to move away from your body now … where do you go next?

(long pause) Is there like a pulling sensation?

B: Yes, there is a sort of pulling sensation … heading toward dark space … it’s like I’m outside of planet Earth.

M: Are there lights, stars/ Where are you?

B: I guess I’m just above the Earth’s atmosphere. Sort of like a Star Trek thing. (laughs) … and the pulling I think is getting a little faster.

M: Trust that there’s a power that’s guiding you to a safe place. (long pause) … ah, it sort of feels like a tunnel. Yeah, I’m just floating through the tunnel. I know there’s a light at the end, but I don’t see it yet!

M: Ok, does it feel like you’re alone or is there some energy around you?

B: Nah, just a slight pull.

M: Are there any lights or lights that look like stars in the tunnel?

B: Well I didn’t see that. It was like I was getting’ a bright open field. Like an entirely bright open field. And like everything is just sort of yellow.

(I was having long quiet periods, and I think Madonna was trying to keep me awake. My voice was drowsy, but I was awake. I just wasn’t having the typical tunnel experience you read about. It was slow, sort of moseying with a slight pull. Didn’t even notice the light at the end of the tunnel until I was standing in this bright open field … like I warp speeded through it without noticing it’s length. There may be some incite at the end of this session.)

It looks like a field …partially … but it’s a bright yellow color. There looks like there’s sort of a community of some sort up ahead. 

(long pause) Something is bounding to me … I sense it’s a (laughs) … it’s one of my old dogs! It must be Rinty!

M: Rinnie?

B: (empatically) Rin-ty! Yeah Rinty was a stray I had in West Virginia. He was a good dog! He was a collie mix, but I called him Rinty after Rin Tin Tin! Rin Tin Tin was a German shepherd. That’s good that he’s still around.

(Rinty was the stray we took with us from Ohio to West Virginia that I mentioned in the first part of the session … but more on this later!)

M: Where are you now?

B: I’m just there.

M: You’re just there with Rinty?

B: Yeah, but he just ran off?!

M: You can follow him. Maybe he’s taking you somewhere?

B: I’m following him down a path … it’s over a hill … I can’t see what’s on the other side.

M: Is there a guide or someone that can help you? That you are aware of?

B: Not that I’m aware of yet!

(long, long pause)

M: What are you seeing now?

B: Well there is sort of a building.

M: Building? Ok describe it.

B: It looks like it’s limestone blocks … but it’s not limestone! So it’s a stone building … it has windows. It looks like there’s … initially I was looking (in) from the outside … it looked like she was teaching a class … but when I looked in from a different door, it looked like a room with empty desks.

(Apparently there was a spirit teacher instructing a class. Richard Martini in “Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide to the Afterlife” had a good friend who has passed and he was driven to communicate with her. Leading him to a LBL session with Michael Newton he found her again, seeing her teaching in a classroom with ‘student’ spirits. His friend invited him in. While welcomed by his friend, he got the impression that the others thought of him as intruding … that he shouldn’t be there.

Perhaps, since I had not been invited and was mainly just interested wasn’t reason enough, so when I found a door and looked in … the classroom was now empty!)

M: See where you’re guided to go to see if you can get more information about what this is. (long pause) What this room’s called … this house … this building.

B: I don’t know … it looks like it’s an old school from about the 1850’s. I don’t notice anybody around.

M: See if you’re pulled anywhere else, or if you’re pulled into it or kinda guided? Notice if there are any beings around, or lights that are drawing you, just notice everything where you’re at … just enjoy this experience.

B: Ah, there is sort of a rainbow type of light … it’s (coming from) sort of an ionic type pillar.

M: You’re going to be moving toward a place where you can either get some questions answered or you can meet your counselor, if there is one with you, or your guides.  Or find out about why you’re here,  all of those things. We’re just gonna see what is taking form now.

B: I’m just in front of a building with spiral steps. I’m going up the steps. (Long pause) I’m in what looks like a court house. Oh … it’s so much bigger on the inside! Much bigger than I thought!

M: What’s the purpose for this court house?

B: I’m not sure … must be the place where I can find some answers. I don’t seem to be meeting anybody.

M: OK. Not yet anyway. Are there a lot of rooms in this place?

B: No it’s a big open room. Think it’s the whole building!

M: Does it have anything in it?

B: It’s pretty barren … I don’t see any desks or anything.

M: Is there any place for you to sit?

B: Over against the wall to the left … there’s like a block … a short wall you can sit on.

M: Let’s just see what formulates … I don’t know what will happen … let’s just see what happens next! Just allow it to unfold.

(At this point listening again to this record, I think I was a little frustrated. This LBL is not like the many case histories I’ve read about. For example, my trip through the tunnel was uneventful. It even seemed abbreviated. One moment I was just entering the tunnel … the next moment I was in a bright open field. Other than some “floating about” I didn’t seem to see much along the way. I wasn’t met by any of my soul group members or present family members who have passed. I was met only by one of my old pets … a dog named Rinty … which later turned out to be pretty cool!

No matter how much Madonna tried to keep me focused … I was having my ‘own’ experience … and it was a little different from what I expected.)

(Very long … several minute pause)

B: I do see a face … it (laughs) like my second grade music teacher that I (laughs again) really didn’t care for.  I accept he’s ok now. I don’t know why he’s there?!

M: See if you can hear anything telepathically, either from this person, or any other energies coming in , or any other beings.

(Telepathically was a key word. Things started to pick up at that point and information started flowing. It caught my attention.)

B: Yeah now there’s some people … it seems like some group of … group of people.  OK I wanna say it must be … the council.

M: OK. How many?

B: 5.

M: Do they have any specific colore … or different colors?

B: Sort of different color … everything is sort of a golden yellow anyway… It throws that cast on just about everything.

M: How are they arranged? Are they in front of you? 

B: In front of me.

M: Are they … is one larger than the other or are they all kind of the same?

B: The one in the center is largest, but they step down on either side.

(Richard at one point stated he saw 5 spirit guides, hence the center of ME logo has 5 spirit guides … only inverted! In Newton’s case studies, these turn out to be a council. … sort of a council of elders, that one appears before when returning from a present life that has ended.)

M: They usually speak with you telepathically to say whatever they are sharing.

B: Seems like they are questioning like “why are you here so early?”

M: What are you hearing?

B: Not too much right this minute.

M: Can they tell you how you are doing at this time in your current life?

B: I think they are validating what I already knew that I have to work on “selfishness and patience”.

M: In this life you mean?

B: Yeah. Patience is a biggie!! (laughs)

M: And what are they saying how you’re doing with respect to that?

B: I’m making progress, but I could be doing better.

M: Are there ways that you guide can help you with to make better progress?

B: Diligence (laughing) … I’m to pursue with more diligence. I’ve made great strides with selfishness, but patience need a lot more work.

M: Are you going in the right direction with this life?

B: I think so!

M: What is your primary purpose, your soul purpose in this life?

B: I guess I am supposed to be a healer.

M: Could they expound on that a little bit, because a healer is a very generic, veery broad term?

B: Apparently I’ve done ok … being a nurse. But there are more possibilities that are more powerful … and Rife’s stuff was a good thing too!

M: Rife’s stuff?

B: Yeah. I was able to help some with (Rife’s) energy frequencies.

M: Is Matrix Energetics in line with this?

B: It’s the next step! Yeah, and I think I’m to pursue more energy work … and Jill is supposed to be here to help me through this.

M: Jill’s supposed to help you through this?

B: Yeah.

M: Can you elaborate on how?

B: One of the easy ways was to make life a challenge … (laughs)

M: Can they tell you anything related to Jill’s health?

B: I’m doing fairly well with her and our new diet is the right path. We are trying to eat more healthy … and it’s working! And I’ll be able to help her more energetically in the future. (long pause) They are going to show me some more ways to do it energetically.

M: More ways to work with energy?

B: Yes!

M: Is this something that when you meditate it will come? Or how will they show you?

B: They said it’ll come to me!  They said I should be happy with the way things are progressing.

M: They said you should be happy with the way things are progressing?

B: Yeah.

M: Has your current life been more progressive than some of the others?

B: Ah … bigtime! They said if I’d be more patient, my energy work would be stronger!

M: That could be a good impetus for you.

B: Yeah.

M: What else are they sharing with you … this is really, really cool!

B: I’d like to see people in my soul group.

(There I am being impatient again …LOL)

M: That may come up … let’s let them finish and see if there’s anything else from them.

B: I asked them for more wisdom, but they said … ‘ in time” !

M: I’d like to ask them a few more questions if they are ok with that?

B: Sure.

M: What would be your most individual characteristic as a soul that’s carried from life to life?

B: Perseverance!

M: Wow! And how many … will they share with you how many lifetimes you’ve been under?

B: 500! (laughs)

M: Wow … and that’s perseverance too! Wow … can they tell you when your first life was on Earth?

B: 100,000 years ago.

M: Oh wow … can they share anything about that …?

B: Very, very primitive … it’s a … short life! (laughs) … a very short life!

M: Is your current life one of your most productive life, or were there others.

B: Oh there were others …but this one is headed in the right direction.

M: Do they have anything else they’d like to share with you now?

B: That I will continue to learn, and a lot more knowledge will be forthcoming!

(While I typed this I Googled Forthcoming to check the spelling. It was interesting how the word came up and was presented :

On my 23” screen the boldness and font size of forth.coming almost knocked me over!)

M: OK. Is your guide with you now too?

B: He’s standing behind me on the right.

M: Does he have a name?

B: (laughing) In this world its …”Fred!”

M: And while you are in here is there a way for you to know what your soul color is?

B: Blue was the first thing that came up!

M: You may see yourself in a mirror sometime and (sic) a few layers of this. What is your soul name … your eternal and immortal name?


M: More of this will come to you. Much more will come to you … we’re getting the main things here.

B: My guide has got a sense of humor.

M: Is there anything else here … before we finish with the accounts of the Elders?

B: I think that’s it! (matter-of-factly)

M: I believe  your guide may take you to wherever you want to go … be it your soul group or body selection, or anything else.

B: I asked him about body selection, and ah, that I’m doing better with it with the diet that we are on … and that it wasn’t supposed to present too many challenges.

M: You’re body wasn’t?

B: Yeah.

M: Did you have any other body choices?

B: I think there was one other choice. I don’t remember.

M: You’re not seeing it or anything?

B: No.

M: Then it might not be important.

B: It must not have been.

M: Do you know why you chose this body in particular … because it wouldn’t have many health challenges, or …?

B: I think that seems to be something in the background. Yeah, apparently I’ve had some difficult ones before. This one was only supposed to present some minor challenges. But nothing I couldn’t overcome.

M: Very good. And again, this is about any choices, while you’re in this selection room, is there any specific reason why you chose your mother or father or family members?  

B: I get that my mother volunteered for some reason … she volunteered to help out. I think I asked my Dad to help out … and that would fit their personalities as how I know them.

M: No one fit the personalities?

B: No … I said that would fit their personalities as I know them!

M: What about your siblings?

B: I think my sister and brother are in my souls group. My aunt was in their too … I think that is why I liked my aunt!

M: You might be transitioning now into your soul group.

B: Yeah. I think there are 23 of us.

M: Do you recognize all of them?

B: They are all on my list.

(Madonna has you make a list of principal characters in your life. Also, questions you may have to try and get answers to … so when these come up in a session, she has a clue to help her direct you to the answers. There were 13 people on the list I had given her, but there were many more on the list that I thought about but didn’t write down.  Apparently all 23 are on the list, but the original list contained more than that.)

M: Very cool … are there any that ….

B: (Interrupts)  and J was here too!

M: Was there anyone else from the group that you didn’t have on your list?

B: Yeah, there’s G from California … he’s a good friend. J from the Peace Corps.

M: J from where?

B: J from the Peace Corps … he was a great guy … I liked him a lot … a it looks like C, B’s wife (my cousin’s wife) is also there.

M: Are there any that you have not met yet in this life? Or do you recognize all 23?

B: There are a handful that I don’t recognize.

M: What is the primary purpose of your soul group?

B: Well all of us have been doing this a lot!

M: You’ve been through this a lot?

B: Yeah … lots of lives … and it seems like many of us (laughs) have taken the long way around … to get where we’re supposed to be.

M: Is there anything that specifically characterizes your soul group that’s something you’re moving forward with? Anything specific?

B: That word “perseverance“  keeps coming up! I think most of all of us tend to be a bit headstrong going after what we have in our sights!

M: But this is the group you most often have reincarnated with … is that correct?

B: Yeah!

M: OK … very cool! Are there any other specific characteristics of this group that you’d like to share?  They may even come forward to let you know or tell you telepathically.

B: We’re all very close! Some of us are progressing at different degrees, but we are even close though, in our speed of progression!  We just (laughs heartedly) take our time!  Yeah, I think that’s it! We’re not far removed from those “wild and crazy guys”!

(Newton mentions one soul group that doesn’t care how long they must reincarnate … ‘we’re just going to have fun’! … is what they were reported to have said. In another discussion with Madonna I told her they reminded me of those “wild and crazy guys” of Saturday Night Live fame!)

Guess there’s no rush?!

M: and there’s no judgment  on that either ? or …

B: (interrupts) No … just a little urging. A gentle urging a time or two.

M: Very good.

B: I’m also interested in exploring some other worlds too … and I have some … but Earth seems to be our primary focus.

M: So you mean your group would like to search … explore some other worlds too?

B: No, me personally, but as a group we’ve all done various other spots …

M: So what else about this group … what else would they like to share with us, or tell you, or anything?

B: That we’ve all been pretty good … I mean like over all those years, we haven’t done anything super outrageous … which is sort of comforting to know … especially none of us have been Adolf Hitler or something like that! We’ve had our moments. We’re still progressing, even those by Earth time it’s not fast.

M: It there anything else with this soul group that you’d like to explore, or they’d like to share with you?

B: They said, “Just come back when you’re ready!” (laughs)

M: I’m sure you will. Where would you like to go now?

B: I think this was good!

M: Can we still get some of your questions answered? Maybe your guide is right there with you.

B: Sure.

M: Your purpose, I know you had some of that, but is there anything else about your purpose?

 B: To persevere with the “patience”, and that I’m going to become more knowledgeable with the energy working.

M: Ok. Very good. And what about the ringing in your ears? What is that about?

B: Well Fred says (laughs) it’s a message … message communication form … and I said why does it have to be so severe at times, and he said to get my attention. It has been really severe at times (not as much lately) to where I could see why people would commit suicide with it … but I knew that was something I didn’t need to do, and that I could handle it.

M: Can Matrix Energetics or some of the energy work you are doing help heal it?

B: Help with what”

M: The ringing.

B: It has in the past … I could picture like a dial and tone it down. Right now it’s manageable … and it gets in the way when I listen to some good music but Fred says … Fred must like Mozart too, because when I listen to Mozart, he sorta shuts it down.

M: Question is who liked it first … you or Fred? (laughs)

B: Yeah … I’m sure it was Fred! But I’ve always liked Mozart.

M: There’s just a few more questions … anything related to Jill’s health … I think you kinda got that, but lets see if there’s anything else.

B: The lump on her side that’s going to go away. I need to work more on her right side to help her with that. She could access that just fine herself … she just needs a little boost.

M: And why didn’t you have children … why didn’t you not choose to have children in this life?

B: That’s a good question. Apparently Jill’s had many children in other lives too as I have … I guess we both decided we didn’t need that experience for some reason. I don’t know if there was a reason … guess we both didn’t think it was necessary I guess.

M: And what portion of your soul energy did you bring into this life?

B: Well that would be … I left 23% behind ,,, so that would be 77%.

M: That probably helped with your health too! And everything is working in conjunction … this is exactly where you’re supposed to be right?

B: (confidently) I think so! I was supposed to come to New Mexico I guess.

M: And what was the main reason we were brought together for this session?

B: To help (me) understand that I was going in the right direction.

M: Is there anything else that Fred or anyone else would like to share with you at this time?  Anything else at all?

B: Well Fred says continue on … he’ll help me with some downloads later … and to go get some lunch? (laughs)

M: (laughs) He DOES have a good sense of humor! Well I’d like to thank Fred, the Council and all the beings that were here with us today. It’s just an honor to work in these realms! … and Bob I’d like to begin to bring yourself back … and as we begin now to leave the high realm of your soul mind, and the beautiful distance in the spirit world and your lives on Earth, I want you to remember that this loving world is always within you. It’s always with you. Everything we’ve talked about, all your thoughts and memories and your incites will be retained to help and empower you, as you complete the remainder of your current life with renewed energy and purpose, knowing that perseverance is your primary, and your have and are working with that easily. Now let this all knowing knowledge to settle calmly within your conscious mind in proper perspective. Allow yourself to feel completely whole, as a single person that is you. Your mortal self is now completely joined with your human self as a single unit as we return now back, back to the tunnel of time and into the present.

(Madonna brought me back to my present life and concluded this wonderful, exceptional experience! Again today my arms felt like they were nailed to the couch, and that the each weighed 1000 pounds. It took several minutes to regain the use and have complete range of motion. But I didn’t mind!)


In Summary


Wow! This was intense!!! The session lasted almost three hours!

Looking back I didn’t get the Pearly Gates, the “streets lined with gold” … the “crystal palaces” that many get. I didn’t get the all empowering feeling of love.

I think having done this over 500 times in 100,000 Earth years tempered my experience. I don’t have the religious dogma that some have, so that didn’t interfere.  Hence I saw what was comfortable for me to see.

I did get … finally, when before the Council of Elders ….  a deep sense of encouragement and understanding … all non-judgmental! Everything they said felt right, and very real. It was good to know I was progressing in the right direction.

I’m tested daily on “patience”. Fred is very good at that. When I get frustrated over some meaningless delay, I tend to chuckle after the initial start of discomfort as Fred comes to mind immediately! He is relentless!

The PLR and LBL experiences were everything I thought there would be. My childhood thoughts have been validated. My Matrix Energetics experiences have been a continued source of joy! Richard was on my character list. He may be in my soul group or a nearby soul group. Although not specifically shown to be in my soul group in these two sessions, my draw to Richard and Matrix Energetics continues to be strong.

Surprised that no person showed up to greet me on the other side was not really unusual for me. Newton found that those that have reincarnated many, many times have no need for meetings on arrival. They know the situation, and proceed on to where they need to be.

The fact that an old pet, a dog I truly loved came to greet me was wonderful! When I first saw the dog, he appeared as a cartoon beagle. When I looked closer I was surprised that it was Rinty! Telepathically I received … you like beagles now!

When I got back from the LBL session , Tempi grabbed my fingers in her front canines and wouldn’t let go. Jill said, “Have you ever had a dog that has done that before? “As a matter of fact, I have, “ I replied, “Rinty used to not let any child run. He come up from behind and lightly grab your wrist and just not let you proceed to stop you from running.

I bent down to Tempi and said, “Are you Rinty? She jumped up and grabbed the beard on my chin with her front teeth. I asked again, “Are you Rinty? SDhe did the same thing.  I dug out an old photo of Rinty and she sat on my lap and just stared at it. Then she wanted it.

                                        Here’s Rinty from about 1959:

 Here’s Tempi 2012:

Both are tri-colored , brown, white and black. Tempi-Rinty a female beagle vs male collie mix, both with elongated noses:

I was probably in the sixth grade when Rinty developed large tumors on his chest. My mother had him put down while I was at school. I was devestated! There was never any closeure, and perhaps Rinty saw a way to take care of that.

Showing Tempi  Rinty’s picture was comical and inciteful!

Glad to have Rinty/Tempi back!


Madonna’s voice and experience are perfect for what she does. My experience was invaluable, informative, and  mind-bowing all wrapped into one! I’m glad I found a Newton trained hypnotist in New mexico!

Would I recommend this? … you bet! Again and again!

Take care all,
