Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Three years in

ME 3rd Year Anniversary

In practicing ME for three years, the most glaring given is: "meeting Richard Bartlett ... will change your life!!!"

In fact, you will probably not recognize the prior you. I look back with amazement and disbelief at what I thought I knew compared to what I now know... that I do not know! Richard's paradoxical phrasing used to make me wince and say, “What? How can that be? Why does he do that?" Now I understand "it is when it is, and it's not when it's not." It can't be anymore simple than that! He provides new paths. Paths you may have thought or wished to be true, but Richard makes you feel "it's all right" to go down them.

My composite changes are too bountiful to enumerate! You will read about many of them, none-the-less, if you continue. They are littered throughout this short essay.

Disclaimer: this posting is comprised of my experiences which have shaped my views and thoughts. It may be different for others or from yours. Much stated here is derived from my observations from the past three years.

A three year journey (much of it documented on the ME message board)

If you've followed this thread from the very beginning, you will have traced my journey from first experiencing the wonders of ME... to the present. It documents typical examples of my learning and playing in ”The Field” during the past three years. Skeptics would call these coincidences...well… in this thread are 50+ pages of coincidences!

I have so many coincidences that the word "coincidence" has become a non-word. Each and every one of these "non-words" still blows me away!

April 07,2007 Coast To Coast  Radio Show

My life, has been one of searching…never believing “the company line” is the only way things are or are done. This has been my approach for about everything! Having a medical/agricultural background would predict a very left-brained way of thinking. It did…for a while.  An example of my left brain approach, but still out of the box searching, can be found on my “old” website of pursuing – Royal Raymond Rife technology:

My sister, who also is a searcher, was listening to a late night radio show, Coast to Coast, hosted by George Noory, and featuring a Dr. Richard Bartlett.  We subscribe to the streamed shows, so she called me and said, “You really need to listen to the April 09, 2007 show!”  I immediately did that, and we both signed up for the Nov. 2007 seminar in Phoenix, Az. “I have to do this, “I said to her, “I just HAVE to do this!”

My quest for answers probably began as a 10th grader, watching the TV on a Sunday morning. Oswald was being transferred from the downtown Dallas Police Station, and I sat in amazement as Jack Ruby pulled a gun and fired into Oswald’s abdomen. My mother was cooking in the kitchen around the corner, and I yelled, “They just shot Oswald…right on TV!!!”  Safe, little small town America would never be the same…nor would I.

A Kennedy Assassination buff I would become, reading over 100 books on the subject. Later the internet and conspiracy websites were brimming with unbelievable theories. Rather than take someone’s word for it, as an adult, I would seek these people out personally. I met David Icke in Albuquerque, which turned out to be a mecca for unusual, interesting people. Dr Leonard Horowitz also came to town. The list goes on…Lt. Col. Philip J Corso (The Day after Roswell) signed my copy of his book …” To Bob, It did happen!”

I’m not as enamored with the “conspiracy” scene today, as ME changes your views on reality…big time! However all this lead me to Royal Rife and his unique frequency devices that would kill pathogens. When I found out that Dr James Bare, who invented the Rife/Bare device, was in Albuquerque…I was in his office the next day.

It was only a small step further to discover Dr. Richard Bartlett. November 2007 was coming.

November 2007, Phoenix

It seemed forever before November arrived. I prepared by reading Richard’s first book, and several others on his book list.

Let’s see…”one hand finds point one on the table and stop the other hand when you feel a connection.”  “Now how do you know when to stop?” I said to myself over and over. “I’m just stopping my hand.” “My brain’s just doing it!” “How do I know whether I’m doing it right?”   Later I learned…”there IS NO right!”

The concept of what Richard was doing fascinated me! It was magic! I showed a website video of Richard knocking out a person on stage to an MD (who later went to the Albuquerque Seminar in 2010), and he replied, “You get him to do that to you, and it proves to you it’s not a scam, then I’ll believe you!” If I had this happen to me, then it wouldn’t be a paid ringer in the MD’s eyes.

My sister and I sat in the front row on the seminar’s opening Friday night. She’s doing “The Secret”… “Don’t pick me, Don’t pick me (she regrets this now), as Richard would walk by. I’m also doing “The Secret”… “Pick me, pick me!” Richard stopped right in front of me, “Have I worked on you yet?”  I found myself onstage in front of 300 people.

I was wondering what was going to happen when Richard touched my forehead with the fingers of his right hand. It was bliss! I felt myself going out…quickly and totally. I think someone caught me…it didn’t matter…I was gone!
“Gone”! Down “the rabbit hole” … never to turn back!

What have I learned?

“Everything is NOT what it seems!”  That would be Number 1!

My whole world was set on its ear! Everything I thought to be true … could easily be untrue. Black was white. White was black…and it didn’t matter!

What I used to think was important…now, does not apply.  For instance, money! I used to live paycheck, not only to the next paycheck, but the one after that…worried about nickels and dimes, keeping close tabs. I haven’t balanced a checkbook in three years. My wife and I have 10 times the amount in our savings from just 3 years ago. There is abundance in The Universe…The Source will provide! Just ask. I just quit worrying about it!

Scoliosis! “I have scoliosis”, she stated. Looking at her back…well, yes she did. I placed my hand on her shoulder and the other hand on her lower back…connected to The Source. Two seconds later my OR tech and me watched the spine straighten right before our eyes. Dang! How did that happen? We both saw it. The girl’s eyes smiled wide, “Wow my back feels great!” Now that is NOT supposed to happen in the hospital! It did. .. an again one more time that very night, with another scoliosis person. Something powerful was going on, and it didn’t fit any of my old world’s rules!

I had no attachment to the two people with scoliosis. It was easy to connect, imply intent, and collapse the wave. Miracles happened! Not too many did… in my old world.

If you connect to The Source, lightly focus intent, and “drop the pebble” (forget about it)…wild, and remarkable things will occur.

“…and learn to let it go” – Zac Brown Band.

My world has changed! This one is better.

“Changing Realities”

Me changed my reality. ME also showed me, via 20/20 hindsight, that I’ve been changing my reality though out my life, and you probably have too!

A simple example: when I was applying to Peace Corps in 1971, they would hold a PRIST (pre-invitational staging …government anagram), to look over possible recruits. It was held in the most equidistant area from all the recruits available. Not having much money and just finishing college, I hadn’t travelled much. I thought, “Hope we have people from Maine & New York, and Hawaii & California applying…then little ole me would get to travel to Denver!”  Well, then I forgot about it. When my PRIST invitation, came about a month later, there was a ticket to Denver, Colorado. There was an invitee from Maine, NY, California and Hawaii! Looking back with ME eyes it’s easy to see what had happened!

Same thing occurred when John (jtkya on the messageboard), wrote how he got to help with an ME seminar in Hawaii, was the main catcher for Richard, etc. I thought at the time how lucky was he. Then I thought, “What would it be like for me to do the same thing?” A few months later, Richard comes to Albuquerque to do the opening speech at the ACEP Conference. Richard said I could help, and Melissa gave me several jobs to do. I ended up catching many people on stage, watching Richard work close-up for 2 & ½ hours, and caught about 150 people at the book signing afterwards. I was elated.

If you do not like how things are going…change your reality! It may be easier than you think!

As Richard has mentioned in the Matrix Energetics Experience CD’s, “Don’t look where you don’t want to go!” This is very true. I’ve seen many potholes in the road, and been drawn into them…it’s stronger than magic. I see and hear many at work describe how bad things are in their life, and they keep dipping from the same well. If you don’t like where you are, refuse to go there anymore. Don’t re-enforce a bad state.

I haven’t been sick all year. I refuse to get sick! (There’s an addendum to this…will talk about it when I get to ‘spirit guides’) That’s my stance now-a-days. Constantly I hear, “It’s flu season. Gotta get your flu shot. I feel like I’m coming down with something!” If you don’t want to be sick, don’t buy into all this negative talk. I had a stuffed nose for two years. I destroyed whatever it was with a Rife device. After ME I never have sinus problems. If my nose starts to get stuffed, I look in the mirror, do a triangle archetype over my sinuses, turning it until I can feel a pop…and my nose opens right up. Just not going back to what went before!

The Festival of the Cranes will be happening in San Antonio, NM  @ the Bosque del Apache in a week or so. Back in early September I wanted to attend one of the activities. A professional photographer was going to do a 3 day workshop on long lenses (pre-Festival). Of course I tried to sign up September 2nd, and it was filled September 1st…he was only taking 20 people. My wife said, “Call and see if there is a waiting list”. I did…I was number two.  I then forgot about it.

Two days ago, I got a phone call from the Festival Director, “Are you still interested in the photo workshop?”  “Well yes,” I said, “did a couple drop out ?” “No,” she said, “a funny thing happened. The photographer called this morning and said he could take ‘two’ more!”  So “coincidently”, “two” was my lucky number. Sometimes you can inadvertently change your reality!


Some think belief in ME makes it work.

I’m not so sure. I’ve worked on many animals with good results, and I’m not too sure of their belief in ME or me. Sometimes I think it seems to be easier working on people who believe in this. Then again, I’ve had some who say they believe in it, and their results aren’t as strong as one who says she doesn’t believe it, but the ganglion on her wrist disappeared overnight, and she keeps coming back for more.

Lipton and Williams in their Psych-K refer and use the changing of subconscious beliefs with great results. I’ve used sigils with good results, and they too are supposed to work on the subconscious mind. I have a Rife friend in Australia who has a health clinic and claims to get a 100% success rate with Psych-K. I believe him, due to my experience with his Rife expertise.

Belief can be powerful. I was raised in West Virginia from the 4th grade thru high school. In areas around Gauley Bridge, there are snakehandling churches. Pentecostal churches who frequently handle copperheads and rattlesnakes. Rarely do they suffer any adverse effects. They reach a state where they talk “in tongues”, and they’ll even drink strychnine from mason jars with no ill effects. Occasionally one will die from a snake bite, and they’ll say “his belief wasn’t strong enough.” Skeptics will point out that 37% of the time there is no envenomation with a snake bite. That is true as the snake needs the venom for food, and doesn’t always use it in defense. However, I saw a TV special where they actually tested the strychnine…and it was truly strychnine.

Are the snake handlers reaching the state that’s the equivalent of heartspace? I’m not sure, but my experience with heartspace makes me wonder. I’ll talk more of heartspace later. If it is so, maybe “belief” is a way of getting from point A to point B. B is where you want to be, and belief is another way to get you there.

Belief may play a part, but it’s certainly not the only thing!

One thing I’ve enjoyed is working with anyone who has ‘no clue’ about energy work. They first look at me like, and often say, “What are you going to do to me?” When I do a simple two-point on their back, and have to catch them, they look back surprised like I’m doing a sort of parlor trick!

How can anyone not think something is happening? The “Amazing Randi” would come up with some convoluted explanation, like Bennie Hinn syndrome, etc. These people may or may not even know me, much less what I do, and they respond dramatically to The Source. It was enough to convince me that something IS occurring!


Some may list trust and belief in the same category. I think “trust” is a stronger commitment.

You have to earn “trust”!

You had to “believe” in Tinkerbelle for her to recover, but if you “trusted” she would recover, you would feel better. Trust is more sure!

Richard says “trust’ is a big part of ME. Trust yourself. Trust it will work. Trust ME. Trust The Source!

When I was learning “windows” I may have believed it would work, but I just didn’t “trust” what I was doing. I mean when first presented with the concept, moving your hand, if it stops, it’s a “closed window”… so a “no”. If it goes through “the window”, it’s a “yes”. Unless you develop trust in windows, you’ll just think…”oh, it’s just me moving or not moving my hand.” When I started to “trust” when asking questions via “windows”, the answers have been phenomenally correct. I tried to develop it as second nature.

I think trust is what “gets” the skeptics. Do skeptics ‘trust” anything? I wonder.

My experience with skeptics is “approach ME as a skeptic, and a skeptic’s result is what you’ll get!” It just may be their “intent”.

Why Some People Don’t Heal

Wow, now if I could answer this one I’d be set for life! All I can offer here is information I’ve experienced, heard, and read.


Why do some hang on to a problem? Maybe because…

In a hospital setting, you have to solve some of these reasons to even do your job. One patient came to L&D 35 times in the last four weeks of her pregnancy. She had various complaints. Turns out, the problems weren’t medical. She found out she had control over her boyfriend by dragging him to the hospital. Seemed like I saw her every night I worked. He wasn’t happy.

A couple RN’s, who I’ve worked on successfully many times, were doing “light duty”, as they had injured themselves on the job. Each one I saw during their light duty shift and this time they declined energy work, “No, I’m getting better, with rehab, etc.” They were enjoying their few weeks of “light duty”.

One patient I tried to two-point her back pain away. I called the two-point “pressure points”. She states, “Wow, you’re going to have to teach my boyfriend how to do that!”
Shortly, it was time for her “pain meds”. She wanted them. Some people like their pain meds, and ask for them the minute they are due.

Owning Their Dis-Ease

We’ve all experienced the individual that you just do not want to ask “How are you today?”  30 minutes later you’ve heard the plethera of symptoms, treatments, and plan of care “for the next 30 years!”

Another I wrote about was an MD’s sister-in-law. “Why, I have over 50…50 allergies!” I pictured a Girl Scout with her 50 allergy merit badges on her sash!

With many in this category…their symptoms do not match the intensity of their complaints, and the numerous treatments they seek. It becomes their life.


Carolyn Myss bluntly described a female individual being approached at a seminar by two males who wanted the woman to attend one of their events. The woman quickly asked, “Wait a minute, if it’s the first Tuesday of the month I have to go to my rape support group. I’m a rape survivor, and I will NOT miss that group for anything!” The two men apologized and said, “Oh, were sorry!” and backed away.

Ms. Myss watched the interaction and confronted the woman, “Why did you tell those men your entire history, when a simple ‘I’ll check my day-planner’ would suffice?” You made them feel embarrassed that they had even asked!” She went on to explain that this woman used her misfortune as power over others, and she wasn’t about to give that up.

This can happen inadvertently. Many patients in L&D are in for a happy event. They present bubbly, excited, and will often ask, “Do you have any kids?”  I’ve always tried to tell the truth so, originally, I’d say, “No, my wife was in menopause at 24 years of age.” Then they’d look quizzily… “due to chemotherapy!”, I’d add. Which would totally bring their happy event crashing down!  Realizing the effect of this on people, I now answer, “No, all our children have four legs and tails!”
Becoming aware of this, can help you eliminate it!

Focusing Intent

Richard warns against focusing intent too intensely. Keep open ended possibilities.

This may be why working on loved ones, and yourself, doesn’t go as planned. I fall into this trap readily. The Source seems to respond to a lightly focused intention, and wave collapse. Often, I really want to help an individual, and it makes matters worse.

I love Richard’s “Compassion / Without Compassion!”  If you’re new to ME, this will drive you nuts. After a while it’s like, “Oh, that’s what he meant!”    

Stephen Schwartz, a remote viewer who also does healing, also refers to it as too much of a “cherished outcome”, and agrees it will inhibit results. According to Stephen  (and Richard pretty much the same) the more specific your intent…the less likely it will occur. General “goals” leave “change” more open! 

Finding just the right amount is key…and that will be between you and The Source.    

A few days ago, an RN came to me saying her baby was transverse, and wanted the baby to be head down. Rather than focus intent for the obvious “cherished outcome”, I two-pointed “what would be in the best interest for mother and child to produce a completely healthy delivery for mother and child”. Her friend, another RN who is also an ultrasonographer, took her back to the office and did an ultrasound…the baby had turned head down. In this instance the “cherished outcome” occurred, but it wasn’t the intent!


This depends on your belief system…big time!

The idea of Karma has been around for a long time, and is embraced by millions! Who’s to say?

Where I am now, I think I’m on a learning pathway (s). This physical hologram we’re living in I interpret as a learning experience. Karma plays and has played a part in my experience.

So is a person’s present dis-ease, either a Karmic debt or a state this individual must work through in this lifetime?  I don’t know, but it sure would explain why an extreme case doesn’t just “pick up thy bed and walk!”

At the Nov 2007 ME seminar I watched Richard, Dr. Garcia, and another work simultaneously on this 78 year old man who had severe rheumatoid arthritis for most of his life. He had very deformed feet and hands. The three of them worked simultaneously on this man for several minutes.

The man’s deformities did not miraculously change.

However, Richard had him lying back onto the massage table hanging over like a teenager. When the music started to end the morning session, the man was doing “the twist” on stage…dancing with many. I asked him during the break what he felt,” I just feel so good!” He still had his problem…but changes had occurred!

So the question arises, “Why wasn’t this man totally healed?”  It may be Karmic debt…or perhaps, this challenged life may be the next learning episode chosen by the person in his natural progression? I watched change occur…for some reason it wasn’t total. The man was satisfied with what he received! At the time, I was hoping for more. Who had learned the most? It wasn’t me!
 Learning to be satisfied with what is presented, might, just possibly, be the lesson!

Dropping the pebble, forgetting about it…letting go…maybe a way to remove the “cherished outcome”, providing an opening for balance and a better result!


After hearing William’s lunchtime talk on “heartspace” at the Albuquerque seminar in  February 2010, it instilled in me how powerful a state this is! To hear such an eloquent, passionate description of this exceptionally powerful state, coming from a man , dressed entirely in black with a New York accent, who himself was immersed, totally in his demonstration, was something I’ll always remember!!!

Before William’s talk, ‘heartspace’ was just one of those words I knew was important…but it’s relevance to me hadn’t quite hit home. After William’s talk…WOW!

The first few times I dropped into “heartspace” (alone after the seminar) was not unlike Harry meeting Dumbledore at “Charing Cross” after Voldemort killed Harry in the Forbidden Forest. I, however, was not in a white room, but a gray room with undefined walls. No matter what was going on around me (in this physical hologram) …those events were not relevant. I was alone with The Source. It was very quiet…and there was “nothing” to do. It was very powerful. I had no wants. I first even wondered, “What am I doing here?” Later it became more comfortable, and a place I didn’t and do not want to leave!

Shortly after the Albuquerque seminar, I had a chance to test my skills with heartspace. I wrote about this previously. I had broken a tooth, and it had to be reshaped for a crown. It would require about 25 minutes of high-speed drilling. I asked the dentist it we could do it without novocaine. He really didn’t want to, but he was used to my unusual requests.
I dropped into heartspace and he commenced drilling, continuing for 25 minutes, and I didn’t feel a thing! If the mind was involved, you’d think his constant asking me about
“how I was doing” would bring the pain to the forefront. It did not! I felt nothing. The dentist was quite impressed…me included!

In May we went to Yellowstone again. I saw a grizzly bear coming down the side of the mountain, and saw an opportunity to get some good photos. Quickly I parked the car, and ran to a good position about 30 feet from the car. When you’re focusing with a camera, sometimes you do not realize how close you may be. The bear came off the mountain side and started to cross the road. He was coming straight to me. He reached the center of the road, and I was on the edge of the road… he was 8 ft in front of me. I was no where near my car. I know how fast grizzlies can move. If he wanted me…I was his! I dropped into heartspace and tried to emit non-aggression. It felt like we were communicating. The grizzly did not show aggression either. This was weird. This year there have been many bear attacks. Jack Hanna even had to pepper spray a young grizzly when it came after him at Glacier National Park. I sensed no fear from either the bear or me. What a powerful, blissful state!

A few days ago, I was quickly trying to boil some spaghetti to take to work. The water looked like it was starting to boil, and I didn’t think much of it. So I dropped some uncooked spaghetti into the boiling water. Bang! It exploded and boiling hot water splashed all over my left arm. The arm was wet with scalding water! Immediately I dropped into heartspace. The arm felt no pain. I left the water on the arm to see what would happen. It did not hurt. It did not get red. It did not blister. I stayed in heartspace about 10 minutes. When I felt the water afterwards, it was cold, and there were no marks on my arm. It was like it never happened!

William…I can not thank you enough for showing me this amazing tool. Practice this often. You won’t be disappointed!

The Source & spirit guides

In my searching , I’ve traveled a long route. Brought up in a household one step from pentecostal , on to atheism…agnosticism, existentialism, back to spiritualism, where I now reside.

The Source is real. I can feel it. Can see what it does. It “likes” to blow me away…which it does everyday! It’s intense…all powerful!  I’ve run across a few individuals who think this energy work is evil…the work of the devil. They will not let me help. I ask them, what do you think The Source is?

Never get an answer. Just don’t do your voodoo on me! My impression is they are missing out! Big time! Isn’t there a line in the Bible where Jesus says, “Even the most meek among you can do what I have done?” I don’t see the problem…but if I saw problems, I would never have been face to face with a grizzly!

Spirit Guides

I used to be turned off when someone would talk of spirit guides. That was my old left-brain way of thinking. Now in my ME right-brain evolution, it has all changed. When reading Icke or Horowitz and they would state, …“and a voice told me…” I would think “Oh, there goes your credibility!” Now, if someone hasn’t had a spiritual guidance of some sort, I think, “Oh, there goes your credibility!

When I asked my spirit guide to show himself, what presented was the guy on the Zig-Zag rolling paper package. At that time I knew they had a sense of humor. Mine was telling me…”I got you through The Sixties ! What more do you want?”

Well I asked my spirit guides to teach me, and I wasn’t specific about it.  Earlier when I wrote, “I haven’t been sick in a year and a half,” as soon as it was written I started sneezing, coughing and my sinuses started draining. There was no delay…it was immediate. They were teaching me there are no absolutes. The only absolute is there are no absolutes!

In the future I’ll have to ask if I have to be the “demonstratee”? Or can I be taught theoretically? Will they go for that? I hope so.

Sometimes your guardian angel wants to tell you “they’ve got your back!” Seventeen years ago we put a couple book cases in the hallway upstairs. 15 Years ago my wife put a penny under the leg of a lamp to make it level on the bookcase…it was off to the left. The lamp was plugged into the outlet in the center of the bookcase.

My wife wanted me to build built-in bookcases to replace the original ones. I took the old ones away and left the lamp lugged into the outlet. When I decided to unplug the lamp…BANG! …large spark gap, blackened wall and outlet, and the lamp plug had two melted areas. Now what shorted the plug? I replaced the outlet, and started to work on the bookcase, when I noticed a blacked penny dated 1994 lying under the outlet on the carpet.

Examining the penny it had two melted areas matching the melted prongs on the lamp plug. The penny sometime in the past 15 years had migrated to the center of the bookcase and dropped in a vertical position balanced upright on the plug. When I pulled the plug out, the penny dropped into place, shorting out the lamp. Why had all these unusual circumstances fallen into place? If I had not pulled the plug, the plug may eventually shifted enough that the penny could have dropped onto the prongs at any time. If we were not home, the house could have been ashes. I thanked my guardian angel…who just seemed to think I was a lot of work!

My sister’s guardian angel did an interesting thing the other day…he bi-located …the same guardian angel was on either side of her! She tells me he’s quite protective!


I’ve learned a lot the past three years! Ten years ago I would not have believed any of this. I’ve felt bones shift back into place. Watched migraines disappear. Scoliosis straighten up …even had witnesses. Many, many things we’d all call miracles.

My spirit guides and The Source have shown me that I’m not doing anything, but maybe asking helpful questions. I thank them daily for letting me in on this. I feel like they’ve included me in their little club, letting me be an observer.

Don’t forget gratitude and Grace. I know they are important! Maybe if we lower the importance of ego, we’ll understand even more.

Like I said in the beginning of all this…if you don’t want your life to change… Stay away from Richard Bartlett!

God, this has been a joy!

Take care all,


PS: See some of you at Level Four in San Diego!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have 40 food allergies. That's not me in the article, but in case anyone else finds this blog post, I would want them to hopefully read my comment... Mine turned out to be caused by chronic infections (lyme disease, and others.. most doctors spread misinformation about it unfortunately) and a special histamine syndrome called mast cell activation syndrome. It took decades to find anyone who'd heard of either of these. Turns out, most people with lyme have allergy problems, some are even allergic to 115 foods, etc. This is treatable, believe it or not! Yes, yes, I believe in cures.

    Loved your blog post. I found it on twitter, interestingly. I agree that we control our realities, and if you don't like how life is, we have the power to change it with our thoughts. It is indeed.. pretty cool. Using the law of attraction and the spirituality to our advantage.. pretty cool. I too have had many situations where I look back 6 months later and realize that I made that happen! Life is surely not a coincidence.

    Take care.
