Sunday, April 15, 2012

ME Update 4 and 1/2 years in

Wow, it's been over 4 and ½ years now since I began my ME journey! Time has gone so, so fast!

This update will be a little different as I'm not going to enumerate each case...this will be more of a hodgepodge of collected thoughts on what I have learned, and experienced throughout the past 4 and ½ years!

Many of you reading this have been into energy work a lot longer than I have. You know so much more, and probably have a better handle on what's going on...but the following will be my impressions, interpretations, and how it appeared(s) to things will or may be different for many of you!

I still continue to work on my co-workers and/or their families...nothing is different there. Still get multiple requests each night, and I try to honor those requests as soon as I can. It continues to blow me away when successes's still very exciting to me!!!

So, what is the key to all of this?

For me the “key” is connecting to "The Source"! No matter whatever else I may do, "connecting to The Source" is everything! Nothing will happen if I do not "connect with The Source!"

What IS The Source?

If you're religious, I guess The Source would be God! If you're spiritual, it could be your spirit guides, God, helpful entities, etc. If you're more the quantum physics, science type...perhaps it's a huge energy source that is part of everything. To me it's all those things and something indescribably "more"!

How do I know The Source exists?

Because I can feel it!

It's that simple! When I first realized what it felt like and learned to be able to establish that connection at will...that's when things started to happen!

“It’s not like going into a trance, I just feel light–headed, spacey!”  to  paraphrase Richard (Bartlett) in describing the 2-pt in an early Matrix Energetics video.

What a extraordinary teaching tool Richard has presented us …”the 2-point!” When I do a 2-pt, I’m connecting with The Source! Richard’s genius in teaching us to “feel” the connection between 2 points, to me is a simple way to teach us to connect with The Source! By limiting it to two physical points, it eliminates any religious dogma, or whoo-whoo stereo-typing, letting us experience what we experience through our own exploring! Simply brilliant!

To this very day I’ll start with a 2-pt on a person’s back when I begin working on them. When I connect to The Source, and 2-pt a person’s back (usually at the base of the neck and the sacral area … throat and sacral chakras…no particular reason…it’s where I gravitate to), this lets me know immediately how open to ME this individual will be. As I connect to The Source, the person will give me hints how it’s going to go. The range is from having to catch them (extremely positive… most of the time) to nothing (where if there’s a change, it may not be immediately noticeable).

From there I go with “what presents” as to what I’ll ask or do. For me it’s what initially pops into my mind. I trust, and go with it. It may be as simple as asking the right question, or proceeding with one of the many wonderful things Richard has taught us! Always, I’m connected to The Source.

Heart Space

Another variation of connecting to The Source is dropping into “heart space!” To me it is basically deepening the connection to The Source. Once I’m connected, I drop into heart space…it feels like a deeper, stronger connection. Its like once connected to The Source, you “down-shift” into heart space. The first time I did this it was like…wow, I’m in this gray room, like from a black and white movie. It was very still, and no one else was there. My first thought was “What am I doing here?”, but then I didn’t want to leave!

Further experimentation with heart space instructed me that it was a very powerful place to be! It enabled me to sit in a dentist chair and withstand 25 minutes of high-speed drilling to reshape a tooth for a crown … and experience absolutely no pain! Boiling hot water landed on my bare arm and I just watched it sit there for ten minutes, again no pain…not even a red mark. Standing 8 feet from a grizzly bear, and projecting non-aggression, taking pictures and getting only quizzical looks in return! Heart space fascinates me!

After attending the 2012 Matrix Energetics Level I & II seminar in Albuquerque, NM this year, it was interesting to see that Richard and Melissa are teaching that the “2- pt.” should originate from “the Heart”. When you access “the Heart”… transformation will know no bounds!

What if I don’t feel anything?

Occasionally someone will state they can’t feel anything. Myself, I’d be lost if I couldn’t “feel” the connection…to The Source!”

Another useful technique (if the 2-pt. doesn’t do it for you) to recognize the “feeling” is used by Adam McLeod (Adam – the Healer). Rub your hands together, then hold them about 8 inches apart. Feel “the energy” between your hands…mold it into a “ball of energy”. Then gradually expand the distance between your hands…holding that same energy (feeling) between them. The first few minutes will probably be what you felt from the friction. If you’re still feeling this, say 5 minutes later, and you’re still holding the energy (and expanding the ball)…you’re probably there! Try to recognize this feeling and learn to return to it at will! I think everyone can do this… it’s only a matter of recognizing “the feeling”!

Then what?

After connecting to The Source, the possibilities are endless! Do whatever presents. Explore, meditate, work on someone…the choice is yours! Be creative…everything will be enhanced!

Being aware!

The more you practice the more you begin to notice things. As Richard says “Practice, practice, practice!”

Sports are a good example. A pitcher throws a perfect game. “I was in a zone!” he tells the interviewer. What’s a “zone”? If the interviewer asks him to describe it, the players’ description borders on ethereal…” like I was oblivious to everything…I was just focused on getting the ball over the plate…nothing else mattered!”

Before I was aware of all this, I would have read, “Pitcher throws a perfect game”! I’d have glossed over the “I was in a zone!” as a typical sportswriter’s cliché. Now it’s like…”I know where he was…I know that feeling!”

Coincidences become routine!

Tonight was the end of a pay period at work, so I thought I just check our payroll program to see if there were any problems. Bam…red flags all over the place! Apparently I’d not clocked out one night and all my “Ins” were “Outs” and vice versa, for about two days worth. When this happens, I have to write the corrections out for the timekeeper so adjustments can be made.

I discovered the errors at the beginning of the shift. At the end of the shift I thought, “wouldn’t it be nice if I didn’t have to fill out a correction sheet!” Well I logged into the program, clicked on “current payroll”…and everything was already corrected! I didn’t have to do anything!

Previously, I’d have just been too busy to pay much attention and said, “Well, I must have been mistaken” and went back to work. Now I thought, “Amazing what this little focused intention accomplished! Thank you very much!”


What is this “Intention”? For me, intention is the desire to do something! Prayer is probably intention…you are asking for something to be done. Probably just plain thought could be intention!

Intention actually encompasses quite a lot! Thinking about all the possibilities is mind-boggling… everything we do is governed by intention! Obviously there are varying degrees of this…but I have trouble thinking of one thing where intention isn’t involved.

Take for instance the quantum physics theory that “the act of observation influences everything that is being observed!”  Even though I’m from a strong science background, the way I look at science has dramatically changed. For if this theory is correct…. then all scientific studies are “suspect” … even the intention (and of course, the direct observation) of the scientist setting up the study would influence the study. “This very theory” would be suspect! Hmmmm! I can see Sherman telling Mr. Peabody, “Well that sure throws a clog in the churn!”

We all know that the direction most studies financed by the corporate world end up supporting corporate’s desired effect. Money would be a huge suspect in this instance.

What about the studies set up by honest scientists trying to discover truths to help humanity? It is my guess that, as determined to be unbiased as he may be, a scientist’s own “Intention” will influence the outcome in some way, no matter how stringently the experiment is set up. Just the act of formulating criteria for an experiment would establish…intent!

Many of us have seen Dr. Masaru Emoto’s frozen water crystal photographs. Dr. Emoto found that exposing water to messages and freezing the water quickly, extraordinary crystals would be formed from beautiful, loving messages, classical music, etc., while negative messages and rock music would result in deformed crystals. I have no trouble seeing where Dr. Emoto’s “Intention” in these experiments elicited his results.

As Richard states …when you start to work on someone, often “the work is already done”… before you even start! What is this? ... but “Intention”!

Tempering Intention

Too much of a good thing…too much of a “cherished outcome” or “desired result”, will not often be what transforms!

If a person or client is too obsessed with becoming healed, or the practitioner too focused in attempting to transform the problem… there will be disappointment! It just doesn’t work that way.

Richard teaches that using open-ended questions and by embracing endless possibilities …then there will be no limit to transformation! In my experience this is very, very true!

I worked on an anesthesiologist with a migraine. As I two-pointed her head and back, she renainded focused on her problem. The response was “Well, now the pain moved over here” and she pointed to the other side of her head. She kept moving the pain to a different location as I tried to help her.

“You need to relax,” I countered, “and not concentrate on your headache!” Tried another simple 2-point, she wobbled a lot, and the headache was gone!

“What did you do different?”  I asked. “I totally imagined myself on a remote beach!” she said. The difference was amazing!

Initially her intention for me was to eliminate her headache. The constant focusing on the specific problem was getting in the way. When she quit thinking about the headache, she got out of her little box, and when other possibilities became available, her migraine went away!

So intention can be limiting. Broadening intention can open worlds of possibilities. Don’t put yourself or client into a box. Revel in all the positive possibilities that are out there!

It can be that simple!

Keeping a “childlike” state

This is another truism that Richard and many others teach. The more childlike your intention and connecting to The Source…the better!

The more playful I become in working on a person’s problem, etc., the easier the solution to the problem manifests! Richard at a seminar is the epitome of this…he’s so fun to watch.

Why is this true? Your guess is as good as mine. If you believe in re-incarnation, then perhaps a child is not that far removed from where they came!

Hence, a childlike state could enable one to more easily connect to The Source. Just a thought!

Working remotely on an unknowing individual

This could be another possibility in helping to temper an individual’s intention to help a health problem. The person doesn’t consciously know they are being helped.

Two examples here … and I received permission from both individual’s “higher selves” to work on them!

An MD friend came to me and said a friend’s husband had stage 4 lung- cancer and a brain tumor the size of a baseball. She wanted me to work on him. He was getting chemo, and radiation treatments, and wasn’t expected to live long.

With many I work on being medical people, there’s a built-in left brain that kicks in and says many things medically have to happen. I never try to steer anyone away from medical intervention. What I do is 2-pt that that medical intervention will be 100% successful. I did that for this man, threw in some chelate and detox, balance and harmonize modules to help him through the chemo and radiation treatments. Ran a cleansing frequency and called in his guardian angels, asking them to help with anything I had left out, and thanked them.

I really forgot about him after working on him (a good example of Richard’s “compassion, but no compassion”). A few weeks later my MD friend said the man’s brain tumor was gone, and the chest cancer was the size of a BB.  Consciously the man didn’t even know ME was being employed.

In the second example a midwife told me she had a mass in one breast. I have worked on this midwife for about 3 years for various problems. Now all of a sudden her religion has a problem with ME.

I told her “We can try and do something about that!” She just smiled and said, Thanks, but I’ll be all right! The surgeon said it is too dense to biopsy, so I told the surgeon to just take it all out”!

That night during a break I asked permission from her higher self. I “windowed” a “yes” that I could work on her! Time-traveled her to a time before the mass would start to grow…installed a good health module…ran a cleansing frequency and called in her guardian angels. Asked her guardian angels to help with anything I had missed, and help with anything else needed …all in her best interest…and thanked them.

Two weeks past and I finally got to ask her how she was doing.  “How did your surgery go?” I asked.  “I didn’t have it,” she said. I woke up Christmas morning and it was gone!”
“Imagine that!” I said. She looked at me quizzically. I think she knew, but it was all right as she hadn’t asked me to do anything.

She added, “Well it’s come back a little. It’s less dense so we’re going to biopsy it!” I told her my thoughts were with her, and worked again on her that night.

Another two weeks passed…”How did your biopsy go?” I asked. She smiled, but seemed somewhat irritated, “I didn’t have it done…it’s gone again! I’m just going to forget about it!!” Bingo!! Letting go … it’s what it’s all about!

So you see how the medical mind brings the problem back, not because the problem is desired (quite the opposite), but because a “definition” of the problem wasn’t established! Medical people just have to put a moniker on it!

Richard constantly reminds us “…when you define anything, you create limitations” (paraphrased).

Musings … things of little consequence … and just plain fun

When you start living in the field of the ME matrix, you start to notice things that normally would pass you by!

It’s weird, but next month I’ll be 64 years old and I’ll catch things I drop them even better than when I was in my 20’s!

It’s like in the world of the Matrix, things slow down.  I’ll fumble something with my right hand, my left hand will go out much lower than the dropped object, and catch it! First few times I noticed this phenomena …I was blown away! I’ve never been athletic or “coordinated” as they say. Always thought jugglers were magicians…”That’s not humanly possible!” Now I understand how it’s not only possible, but I think I could conceivably even do this (with much practice). You become more aware!

Sitting in the breakroom eating my lunch with a Kindle in my right hand, I wadded up a paper towel and threw it with my left hand at the wastebasket about 10 feet away. It went right in! I can’t do anything with my left hand. I did it several times. Now risking the vengeance of all little girls, I’m sure it looked like a little girl throwing the paper… and I would not have bet a cup of coffee that I could do that…but it went right in!

A variation of that is when I throw something (even with my right hand) and it bounces on the edge of the wastebasket, sometimes it goes straight up and seems to linger in midair. Where it lingers, it could fall in…or out! This just caught my attention one day and while it was suspended, I’d quickly focused intention and pointed with my index finger “IN”! It goes right in! … did this several times in a row. When not in the field of the Matrix, it falls outside. Probably like seeing a pothole, and driving right to it!  “Don’t look where you don’t want to go,” Richard likes to say.

Another time I was sitting at my desk and had just finished working remotely on some people. I looked at the window and the sunbeams were illuminating the normal dust in the air. I was so deep in the field, that I could (again with my index finger) single out one particular dust particle and guide it to my knee…repeatedly. It was wild …and you can see I’m easily amused! And often lost in the field of the Matrix!

…continuing with…

Speedtraps, and those money-grubbing stoplight cameras

The field of the Matrix provides you many options for dealing with the idiosyncrasies’of the hologram reality we live in … use them to your advantage!

Early on I reported shielding my vehicles from speedtraps, and the like…and I know it works! The one particular instance I wrote about previously happened on a road that was really on the outside of a residential area. The main road had a speed limit of 45 mph, and you turn onto a 30 mph road. Quickly a bend changes the speed to 25 mph through a mild turn. When you first hit the bend you cannot see around it.

I turned off the 45 mph, and was only slightly slowing to about 40 mph. As I hit the bend it became immediately noticeable that an officer had a radar gun beaded on the front of my car … at least I was hoping it was a radar gun! I quickly looked down and I was 15 mph over the speed limit (I went back to check these speed signs out). I didn’t slow down and it was like I wasn’t even there. The officer continued onto the car behind me, and did not wave me over. I was dumbfounded, and may I add quite happy! Help yourself out…it works!

Stoplight cameras

The concept used to infuriate me, until I realized I needed to lighten up! Again I shielded my vehicles from their inter-workings!

This works so well that in Albuquerque, a huge morphic field of “anti-stoplight cameras” exists, and they are at present shut down until further evaluation of their worth is completed!

What if …

Richard used to teach that everything was “light and information”! At the Albuquerque 2012 seminar he said (IIRC) everything is “light, information, and resonance”.

The concept of information always stymied me. In this holographic reality we try to achieve understanding in terms of Newtonian physics. It’s just “gotta make sense”! So what is this information? Light and resonance can be associated with energy…but where can we place information? If it’s not energy, how is it quantified, let alone qualified? In this holographic reality I just don’t understand. I cannot place it!

What if…now what if we do not have to understand it…we just dismiss the rules of this holographic reality!

“Light, information, and resonance” are “all there is!” We could call them ATI’s (All There Is units). Everything we don’t know is also an ATI!

Rules could be so simple, they’d hardly be rules! Everything is ATI!

Would explain a heck of a lot:

Intention – a desirable ATI

Transformation – an ATI result of Intention

Healing – may be an ATI result of Intention and Transformation

The Source – ATI

Prayer – an ATI of Intention usually directed to The Source

It’s endless…and ATI…LOL…and fun! Make up your own stuff!

Canine follow-up

We made it only until November before wanting another Beagle. So in November we headed to Ohio to see family and enjoy a little vacation from the medical world. We thought that (since we could not find any beagle pups in New Mexico at that time) we’d search the “web” during our journey.

Rosie was born 09-09-99, and almost made it to 12 years. We found this gorgeous female pup in North Carolina that was born 09-09-12, and if we could get her, we’d cut the Ohio visit short and drop down to NC to pick her up. Well we were in the running for this beautiful pup with two locals. One eventually dropped out, and the other local ended up seeing her and taking her home.  We were saddened, as this pup was born on Rosie’s birthday!

Not to be too dismayed, I said, “Let’s see if anything new is on the web in Ohio!”  A short search found a litter of 9 beagle pups – 5 females, and four males. We wanted a female! I called the breeder and said, “Where are you located?”  “Austintown!” was the reply.  She was only 8 miles from my cousin. In fact she went to high school with my cousin’s son.

We called my cousin and asked if they’d like a visit, and told them we were on the lookout for beagles! Had a wonderful visit with my cousin, and then went to Austintown.

The breeder had all 5 females in a pen in the front yard, waiting for us. I immediately saw one I liked (liked them all really!), and Jill picked up another. The woman must have seen a soft touch  when she said to Jill “That one has such an ugly face, I don’t think I’ll be able to place her!” Jill fired back, “I’ll take her!” And we ended up with two!


8 weeks

7 months

We wanted very much to have a beagle born on 09-09-12, as Rosie would have been 12 and she was born on 09-09-99 … and 9 is such a cleansing frequency. After we had our two girls in our arms I asked the breeder, “Oh, by the way, when were they born?”

“09-09!” she said!

So even though we missed on the one 09-09 beagle in North Carolina, we ended up with two born 09-09, and they are Buckeyes!

After we were home, I found out the coaster I had been was using for about 10 years had a picture of two beagle pups. One with a stripe (Lexi) and one without a strip (Tempi). Guess we were to have two beagles all along!


Take care all,



  1. Wow Bob your blog is great and I can feel the source in your words as I read it.

    I like the part about
    "What if…now what if we do not have to understand it…we just dismiss the rules of this holographic reality!"

    This is a vary funny holographic reality we live in!

    I was wondering if you could do a little 2 point on me and change some stuff for me as well.

    Thanks all the best to you.


  2. Hey Bob,

    Awesome blog!! Is it possible to subscribe to your blog??


    1. Hi John,

      Sorry I haven't looked back on my blog until tonight (no one's commented on it before on the blog.

      I'll work on you tonight!

      This all started on the Matrix Energetics Messageboard 4 & 1/2 years ago...up to about 56 pages right now... here's the link to page 1 :

      THank you for your kind comments! Let me know if you experience any transformation!

      Take care,


  3. Delete that -- I joined and then subscribe appeared! :)

  4. Hi Amber,

    Thank you for your kind comments. Glad you enjoyed the blog.

    This all started on the Matrix Energetics Messageboard 4 & 1/2 years ago...up to about 56 pages right now... here's the link to page 1 :

    Becareful as it's about 56's my journey with ME pretty much from the start (for me).

    Take care,

