Friday, June 8, 2012

ME Update … continuing from “4 & ½ years in …”

After the Albuquerque Seminar 2012, one of my ME friends from Los Cruces, NM, who posts as “Gr8ful” , Young Toni Delgado, offered to work on me for a long standing problem I have never resolved. Turns out she identified the cause…a cause that I had completely overlooked, and it’s helped me in several ways (Young Toni is a Certified ME Practitioner)!
Since about 1985 a serious physical condition surfaced that I never had noticed previously. Sometimes when I’d first take a bite of food, my throat would swell up around it… lodging it in my throat. Despite hindering breathing, the pain could be quite startling! I never knew when it would hit. When I mentioned this to GI docs, of course, they wanted to “scope” me. Their solution would be to “dilated the esophagus”, which was suffering “some sort of atresia”! The only thing was after the food had passed, I could eat the remainder of the meal with no further incidents.
No particular food or drink seemed to trigger it…it could happen with anything! It was definitely a spasm of some sort as immediately when invoked, the throat was at a standstill… nothing went up or down. Sometimes water would eventually get it to pass, but there were times when water could not get around it to even help. Then, emesis was the only resolve!
This was how I pictured I would die!
Getting older…food was going to do it! The irony is not lost…”food”, our life support was going to do in this old geezer! I’m never without a glass of water when I sit down to eat!
So Toni first worked on me real time in an Albuquerque restaurant when she and her husband met me for dinner one afternoon. After the seminar, she worked on me extensively as a remote!
Young Toni is well versed in “past life regressions”, and that was one thing that came up for her!
My sister was included as she related to me the same thing had been happening to her for years. My sister also has a very protective and compassionate guardian angel. I appealed to him and asked him to resolve her issue and to protect her…and thanked him. Her problem went away before Toni worked on me … but I didn’t hear of this until much later. He’s a great guardian angel!
Going into my past, Young Toni was presented with this:
Putting you both into a sacred circle of loving light and in comes the pink bubble of light…it looks like many small pink bubbles and they are tickling you both…the tetrahedron comes in and whoosh we are zoomed away back to the past into what looks and feels like Egypt or Mesopotamia…an ancient civilization at any rate…where things are dry in the desert and it is hot, hot, hot!!!

I see you and your sister (you are both quite young) playing on the floor of your dwelling and your Mother in the background preparing a meal…you get bored and wander outside and sis who is younger than you in this life follows.

Many men are building a large structure in the center of town and you can hear them from where you stand…you begin to walk closer so you can see what the sounds are about… and as you walk you encounter a man who seems delighted to have found you…

As he is looking for subjects to test his medications on…potions…not sure…feels liquidy and hot…He does not feel like an ethical being….

You eagerly volunteer and your sister although not so eager also follows suite.

You both immediately begin to gag and someone (not sure if it is you or him) stuffs a rough cloth into your throats…to gather up the fluid…not sure what it’s use was...and this is even worse as you begin to turn blue and cannot breathe…

You are both in terror and panic and cannot stop what has initiated and it feels like you have both died from this…he buries you both in a clearing far from the city.

Your mother in the meanwhile cannot find you and is heartbroken….your souls have gone thru an agonizing end and you both feel guilty for having left your Mother in such a state, and you have guilt for having involved you and your sister in such a nasty experience.

This terror and guilt is still in your bodies.
YoungToni gave me suggestions on how to proceed with “forgiveness” … saying I should continue, more or less, with how it presents to me!

Now this is a biggie!!!!
Young Toni correctly identified that I have “forgiveness” issues! I have had these issues all my life. Consciously I’ve tried to combat this…especially by not holding grudges. This has been quite successful most of the time! I’ve seen others not speak to each other for weeks. It never made any sense to me to do something like that. Plus it has to be more work than I’m willing to devote to such craziness!
“Harboring grudges only bound my energies to the same people I resented!” – Dannion Brinkley
Apparently, forgiveness issues can surface from even lifetimes away! Mine did.
I followed Young Toni’s direction and connected to The Source… I gave forgiveness to all that had ever done anything to me, past, present and even the future (but that I found out… was sketchy).
For a good month there were no more issues! Then some mild occurrences surfaced. They were easily resolved with sips of water.
I connected to The Source again and asked my Guardian Angels why this was so?
What they sent back was Forgiveness is an ongoing process! It’s not like a “one and done” sort of thing!
It was greatly cathartic to initiate forgiveness. Immediately I felt lighter…a huge weight was lifted. I could see the benefit to this!

Dannion Brinkley
I knew about Dannion Brinkley years ago…way before I was exposed to Matrix Energetics.  For those who do not, Dannion experienced a lightning strike in 1975 and was “dead” for 28 minutes. He was under a white sheet with a toe ID tag. He had an extensive NDE before he came around. By 2008 he had “died” two more times…each time with another NDE that validated the previous experience.
He was befriended by Art Bell, after several Coast to Coast interviews, and during his second dying episode (1997), Art had 22,000,000 listeners focus intention Dannion’s way! I was listening that night, and was part of the millions. Had no clue as to what I was doing back then, but I sent positive thoughts to Dannion Brinkley.
Dannion said he was “…startled by a shimmering silver-blue energy encircling my hospital bed”. He found out days later what Art had done.
Dannion was a bully in his youth, a sniper for our military, and thought he was going to Hell…”as everybody was going to Hell from where I’m from!” His first NDE resulted in a life review (like we’ve all read about by now). It wasn’t too pleasant.
My sister who had recently re-read one of Dannion’s books thought I ought to read one. Coast to Coast had been my only knowledge of Dannion so I found his 1st and 3rd book as ebooks, but had to order a used copy of his second one. In typical fashion, I read all three consecutively. My sister is always pointing me in great directions!
What if
Dannion Brinkley’s experiences are true? Well I think they are of merit and I resonated a lot with his descriptions and information. His Spirit Beings  are constantly sending him information (…sound familiar anyone?... not to name names or anything, LOL).
He was presented with a city of “crystal glass with intense white light that emitted …LOVE”. His first life review  imparted a ton of knowledge.
He learned that there was no “Being” sitting in judgment of him. You, yourself with ego removed, become the judge and jury. He not only visualized his entire life, but experienced the results of his actions…experienced the feelings of his recipients, and the emotions of every one touched by his action! One action splintered off affecting many. He did not enjoy his first life review as he not only felt the emotions and pain of a soldier’s life he took, but that of the soldier’s family as well!
After teaching thousands of Hospice volunteers, and volunteering at hospices, his later NDE life review’s had a pleasant and rewarding side to them.
Dannion stated “…I understood that we are on Earth for only one reason: to act as the living reflection and expression of divine love. As long as we live in constant awareness of love as our reality, we stay in alignment with divine order and remain anchored in the field of higher consciousness. Forgiveness is love in action. Through the sacred act of forgiveness, we exponentially expand our ability to reflect more love and joy in the world.
Young Toni tuned into my need for forgiveness! Thank you again!
An interesting sidelight to this was in Dannion’s 1st book. There was a description of another person’s NDE:
What happened to me was a very living experience. I was transported to a big room that glowed like gold. I looked around the room and saw thousands of faces, like pictures all around me.”
A couple years ago Braco was in Albuquerque. During one of his 8 sessions I asked to connect to The Source in the “strongest way possible”. What appeared was about 50 pictures filling the wall behind Braco of all sorts of people. I did not know any of them. Did not know what it meant. Perhaps they were/are people eventually touched by the above person’s actions in his/her life time, or of myself in the example with Braco?! Food for thought!
Dannion’s Spirit Beings echo a lot of what we’ve learned with Matrix Energetics…sometimes with a different twist:

-      we are all great and powerful spiritual beings who sometimes forget our own spiritual strengths
-      if you don’t use your spirit to heal, then you are truly not healed
-      the body has a mind of its own … people must come to realize that
-      those who go to earth are heroes and heroines … because you are doing something that no other spiritual beings have the courage to do. You have to co-create with God …
I found the last one particularly interesting.  In Dannion’s version of “Heaven”, according to his Spirit Beings, those spirits that choose to go to Earth are heroes, etc.  It seems the other Spirit Beings have free rein of the spirit world, and most choose not to have an earthly experience. My question is what do “they do” who stay?
Years ago my wife had two OBE’s (out of body experiences) , as she had a difficult time during chemotherapy a couple of times, came close to dying but hung on!
The first time she said she was sitting in a little child’s chair hovering over the room in a corner near the ceiling. She watched several people work on her including her oncologist, who was crying, and her best friend at the time who was a nurse, who seemed indifferent!  She said, the first time “I was curious…I didn’t ask any questions as I didn’t know who to ask!”  She said she was aware of what everyone in the room was thinking at the time. She also said she saw me in a waiting room. Which was what they did in those days…families were removed from a code!
The second time happened in the ER. Again she had coded and the medical personnel were responding. I was also in the waiting room and she said she could see me sitting there from her position above. She could see in many rooms. This time she also stated that “I was just tired this time…like when I curl up with my pillow!” She wasn’t curious…”…guess it’s happening again!”
With either episode, she did not experience a dark tunnel or any light or spiritual beings. So while she was close to death, she hadn’t completely died.

Dannion’s Spirit Beings also said he was to construct a sort of “table” to be used in the “Stress Centers” he was instructed to establish on Earth! They were to be “vibratory” in nature. Dannion wasn’t sure how they were to be constructed originally.
His first book was published in 1995 and he described that he was to build these tables. This peaked my memory as one dear friend of mine (who posts on the ME messageboard as BeginWithin) told me of a great experience she had had with a “vibratory table” a couple of years ago. She had such a great experience she was driven to construct one for herself. Courtni (BeginWithin … ) told me:
The Table is awesome. The first time I was on it I lost about 4 hours. Intense! I give sessions on the table. Friends who have used it have had visions and out of body experiences.
I know how intense low frequencies can feel as I’ve been associated with the Rife community since 1999, and have built my own Rife-Bare device.
Dannion still hasn’t opened any of his projected stress centers to date. He states he’s trying to get it right, and trying to make it perfect has hindered his efforts.
Apparently some couldn’t wait on Dannion and constructed tables of their own. I would think it would even help those who just cannot seem to connect with ME. Be interesting to find out!
Parallel Universes
Jill and I were driving home from a photographic bird watching trip to the Bosque del Apache when we noticed a huge white Dodge truck behind us. It was following us not far from Trinity Site, where they exploded the first A-bomb!
It followed us for several miles. There were no roads on either side, and you could see for miles. All of a sudden it was no longer there.
Jill always watches the rearview mirror (as she frequently comments on my driving) and exclaimed, “Where did that white truck go? I mean it was right there!” 
We had a similar experience a year ago at the entrance of Trinity Site with a small white car. We were only about 15 miles from the entrance this time.
“Parallel Universe”! I replied. “That’s not funny,” she said. “Only answer I can come up with right now!” I said. “Well what if “WE” are in the parallel universe?” she sounded frightened.  “It all looks pretty familiar to me!” I answered, which was true!
Be careful of what angers you
Prior to the above event we were leaving the house at 05:30 a.m. when I discovered I had left my cellphone inside. Jill’s cell was only half charged so I grumbled, went around the block and retrieved my phone.
When we hit the on ramp to I-40, we had to slow down. There had been a 3 car pileup a few minutes before we got there. If I hadn’t returned for my cellphone, we would have been in the accident!
I had placed standing “safety modules” on all our vehicles to run 24-7 as needed (for a long time)… to get us “there and back again” safely whenever we operate them.
Sometimes forgetfulness may not be what it seems!

In Their Best Interest
One thing I found out when working with pregnant ladies is that mother’s “protective” guards/shields are amazing.
Initially when working on them, some would readily respond and others would not. When I realized how the blocking was occurring I added a version of the above title… and this is in the best interest of mother and baby!
It worked so well, I’ve included it when working on just about anybody…in their best interest!
Recently, however, I had an RN (a new mom to be) sent to me by one of the RNs that came to me when their fetus was in a breech position (three times this has occurred, and 3 times the babies righted themselves into vertex position for a natural delivery). They told her go see Bob!
This RN very much wanted to have a vaginal delivery, as most labor & delivery nurses do. I didn’t sense that this was going to occur, but offered to try.
Two-pointed her back. She wobbled a little and said she “felt dizzy”, which were good signs. Continued 2-pting a healthy and great outcome for her and her baby all “in their best interest!”
I explained to her that I worked in her best interest for a healthy baby and safe delivery, commenting against focusing too much on a desired outcome (i.e. that the baby would turn around head first, etc.), and explained that she should notice what she notices. I gave her a couple of examples of changing realities (that I’ve written about before), and she said, “You’ve definitely given me a different perspective on this!” … which I felt quite good about!
The next morning she came into work. I knew the baby had not turned in the night! I asked how she was doing, and she replied, “I’m doing very well right now!” I said, “Remember, whatever happens”, I said…”it will be in the best interest of you and your baby!”
She said, “You know…I really believe that!” I could see in her eyes she did.
A month has past and I asked another RN how her delivery went. “She had a c-section, and mom and baby are doing well!” Can’t ask for more than that!
Breech positions are a curious thing. They usually just pop out, or they are total “extractions”. I don’t want to see any more “total extractions”…one was enough.

Changing Realities (continued)
Changing realities can be real in this time space compendium we find ourselves!
Been doing ME for 4 and ½ years now, and when a woman presents with decreased fetal movement to my unit there is always a possibility the fetus is not alive.
Since doing ME I refuse to accept a fetal demise. 90% of the time it’s mother’s perception or lack of focus as they have too much going on to feel the fetal kick counts…and everything is really ok! However I’ve been doing labor & deliver for over 31 years, and it used to be I’d find about 3 fetal demises per year.
When a woman presents with decreased fetal movement I have to search for a fetal heart rate with a doppler. If it takes a long time, you can see the mother’s anxiety level rise! I’ve been doing this so long I can usually find a fetal heart rate fast. Now, if that occurs when I’m working, I connect to Source and focus intent, “This mother needs a fetal heart rate now!” Almost immediately a heart beat will be heard.
Haven’t had a unsuspected fetal demise in 4 & ½ years! Two-pointing that this will continue in the best interest of all mothers and babies!

Sometimes your reality gets changed for you
Occasionally a patient shows up that is so negative to herself/himself, others, the world and everything in it, that she/he will push all your negative buttons for the only reason of making your life miserable! Luckily these are rare!
The other evening one such person showed up, and proceeded to try and send my night into the depths! This person had no medical indication for being there. Everything was normal! This patient only wanted to be confrontational, and obnoxious.
After several hours I went to the patient’s doctor at the nurses’ station and told the doctor there was no medical reason for the patient to be there and to hasten the patient’s exit home! She knew the patient and quickly did so!
My night had been Hell, so to speak! I let this patient get to me and I embarrassed myself…  to myself … for letting it happen!
Then I walked through the doorway from the nurses’ station to the hallway…
From down the hallway about 10 yards away I hear “Is that Nurse Bob?” from a young lady at the top of her lungs. “Yep” I answered, and she came bounding down the hallway to meet me.  “Nurse Bob, I don’t know whether you remember me, but you delivered my last baby 8 years ago (she had come to the hospital ready to go, and I really delivered her baby myself). She was all bubbly and very enthusiastic!
She went and got all four of her children to meet me, and I got to shake the hand of the little guy I delivered! A fine looking family!
She said, “You know when you delivered P___, my life was in a dumpster. Now I’m totally turned around and everything is going sooo well! I was looking back on my life the other day trying to list all that have influenced me…and Nurse Bob…you are right up there!”
She brought tears to my eyes and about squeezed the life out of me. I told her that my night had not been going well, and that she changed everything in an instant, and thanked her for being, and wishing her future only brighter!
In the space of a few seconds, a few seconds mind you, my reality when from “night” to “day”!
The Universe is always teaching me…what a great lesson!

Living in the Matrix
Most of the time since meeting Richard Bartlett and his ME, I try to live in the Matrix! I don’t mean living in a foggy state all the time, but using ME and connecting to The Source when needing direction.
When you Live in the Matrix, things will always surprise you.
Previously I wrote about the old co-worker, and friend who I hadn’t seen in over 20 years. When I thought about him, and collapsed the wave, a week later he shows up on my doorstep after driving 1500 miles!
Recently I was looking at old Africa photos and I saw a picture of another old friend (who I also have not seen in 20 years), and thought “I wonder what happened to Mary (changed name)?” A couple days later a voice message was on my phone… “This is Mary , and I’m just trying to get in touch with an old friend, if I found the right Bob, give me a call!”
I tried calling the number, but there was no answer! I forgot about it for a couple of weeks. Then I pulled my iphone from my pocket and in the text message window above the keyboard was “CALL MARY clearly typed out. I didn’t type it, and it was in my front pocket. Hard to believe it accidently typed itself perfectly spelled out in my pocket!
So I called the friend again and she answered. She had had breast cancer, and was currently in remission after chemo and radiation (maybe I was supposed to find this out?). We enjoyed talking old times, and present times.
Talking about Africa made me think about the friend who got me into Peace Corps in 1972. He has a brother that lives in Albuquerque, and I did see him about 10 years ago when he came to town. He was in the Foreign Service and lives in Solvenia. I was wondering what he was up to when I get a phone call, “Bob, this is Dave. I’m in Ohio right now and will be coming to Albuquerque in August…would love to get together!”  This stuff happens to me all the time … and I love it!
Ants … and things that go bump in the night
My wife and I live in Albuquerque…the Southwest! She has never handled ants well. The desert means ants! They are here!
Every summer the smallest ants in the world invade our bathroom and kitchen. They come up through cracks in the slab, or cracks in the walls at the foundation. I’ve tried every poison in the book. My wife thinks they are a statement of how clean your house is or is not! I tell her we live in the desert…etc.!
Most ants do not bother me. The majority don’t seem to eat that much and they are fun to watch. I have a different opinion about the red “driver” ants I saw in Africa. I asked, “Why are they called driver ants?” Then I saw earthworms being driven out of the ground (if they had had legs they would have been running), and being devoured by these “driver” ants! They make horror movies about those ants. However these New Mexico ants are as big as these 3 dots “…”! That’s about it! They bug my wife (pun intended).
I had been using the same ant bait granules for three years with no results, and was at wits end. I wasted a whole day finding cracks in the baseboard, sealing it off with silicone only to see just as many ants coming from a newly discovered crack. They WILL win!
So I took the last of the granules and spread them out between my house and the neighbors who had the same group visiting them. Went back into the house and did a 2-pt:
“Ants … you have two choices:
1)    You can stay, but you’ll probably take the bait, and be done, or
2)   You can move to an area where you are tolerated and thrive!
Then I went to bed. Six hours later I woke up and they were gone. I showered and got ready for work. When I was getting into my car I saw my neighbor outside, “How are the ants?” I asked. “Haven’t seen them all day!” Well it’s been over a month and no ants. The ant bait never worked the previous two years! “Just a coincidence…nothing to worry about!” – David Icke.

More coincidences…
As stated before, I don’t believe in coincidences. They occur too frequently that the word is meaningless!
Previously I’ve mentioned that I was a Kennedy assassination buff…read over 100 books on the subject. Out of the blue I see Steven King has a new book titled 11-22-63 . The day Kennedy was shot! Now I don’t read Steven King. I liked the movie The Shining, but I like Jack Nicholson and Scatman Cruthers! So now I have to read this book.
Turns out this is a fabulous book! You wouldn’t know it was Steven King. It’s about time-travel…which I dearly love! Not only is the book about the JFK assassination, time-travel, all things ‘50’s & ‘60’s, he names a woman character Doris Dunning! My mother’s name was Doris Dunn when I watched Ruby shoot Oswald live on TV. He even makes Matrix-like references …”when I went down the rabbit-hole!” King started this book in 1972… and finished it a year or so ago.
We saw the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief, so I had to read the series. Was surprised when Percy’s escapades take him through towns I’m familiar with. Mentioned “Garden of the Gods” in Colorado Springs, and I had just got back from there visiting with my niece. Cloudcroft, New Mexico was in another Percy book. We’ve been to Cloudcroft many times, usually when we visit Alamagordo, and White Sands. How the author goes from Mt. Olympus to Cloudcroft, I’ll never know, but when I run across familiar references in books, I sink right into them!
This is another area that keeps popping up for me lately. In the past I’d worked on a few Autistic kids at the request of their mothers, and they only thing ever accomplished was they may calm down briefly, or some other minor result.
They always intrigue me.
Recently a whole TV show called Touch completed a 12 episode series that I think has been the best series ever on commercial TV! This young autistic boy sees the universe as linked. He sees what most of us cannot! All actions are linked to someone, something else … a theme not unlike Dannion Brinkley’s message! I hope the series continues, but when I ask others about it many say “I just don’t get it”.
That will not be the case with those reading the ME messageboard or this blog!
A few days ago I got Tim Bolen’s newsletter about him attending AutismOne, a 5-day event that discussed many issues of autism. This just keeps popping up for me.
(Tim Bolen is a consumer advocate who exposed “quackwatch” for what it was. He is a champion for alternative medicine! I became aware of him long ago through the Rife community.)
I connected to The Source and asked. “What can we do for these children?” The answer blasted right in front of me “Promote their gift!”  It was so quick and load it startled me.
It’s easy to see the child’s gift in the TV show Touch. Most may take some effort to discover. It has to be hard for their parents to do this when they are consumed with just raising a special individual!
Maybe we in the ME world could establish a morphic field that would aid all in finding and promoting a special child’s gift! I’m 2-pting that right now!
In summary…
Dannion’s Spirit Beings told him the future is not written in stone. He states we do not have to have a NDE to do your own life review. Dannion suggests occasionally we perform our own life review. Remove your ego to a point where you are not defensive of your actions, and run your own life before yourself …you being the only judge (according to Dannion that’s the way it really is). Experience how your actions affected others. Are you happy with that? If not, you can always change!
He stress the Spirit Beings told him it’s not the big things that matter most, such as donating millions to charity. Small actions, like buying a homeless person a meal have great impact.
His Spirit Beings told him “religions are OK…but do not be consumed by them!” Being spiritual…living spiritual is the key…and I have no problem with that.
Let’s see…time to perform a life review…
…well…I guess I have some work to do!
Until next time,
Take care,

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